November 29th, 2010



All I can be is a busy sea of spinning wheels

Lanselos has been out of Camallate for about a fortnight, on the King's Business. Which makes it sound so much more official than what it is, which is mostly making sure that folks see that their government is functional and busy, and picking up some parts & supplies while he's being visible. It's nothing special, really, but he does his best to make it look like it is. And if he has a few somewhat rowdy nights in backwater bars, then so much the better for him.

This trip, he's managed to avoid starting any trouble -- he's been known to jump into a bar fight or two -- and he's been successful in getting a few second-hand parts for the transports and generators, as well as a good lead on some potential livestock coming up for auction. But it's what he's got tucked away in his own pack, a gift for Gwenore, that's got him anxious to get home.

Once he's back, he gets the goods for Arthur squared away and most of the dirt out of his hair before he goes looking for the Queen.