June 25th, 2011

[info]project_titan in [info]new_worlds

Who: Adrian Steel, OPEN to Teela, Captain any Avengers and any members of Titan's team and Captain America and Agent Carter once they return.
What: He's in a coma after a devastating loss to Black Widow
Where: SHIELD hospital, Los Angeles
Why: He needs friends and family now more than ever
When: Backdated to the night Titan lost to Black Widow
Rating: TBD
Status: OPEN, Incomplete
mission is a go )

[info]ghostofthedales in [info]new_worlds

Who: Jacques Versailles, LOCKED to Noriko Ashida
What: He fought his way back to her
Where: The Xavier Mansion
Why: He fought the Juggernaut to come back to her
When: June 25th 2011, around sunrise
Rating: TBD
Status: Locked, Incomplete
He walked through fire to make it back to her )

[info]ex_wandam76 in [info]new_worlds

Who: Scarlet Witch and Open
What: Cool Off Time
Where: Avengers
when 6/25/2011
Rating: pg-13
Status: Incomplete.

Wanda had a lot on her mind and she needed some time to just cool off a little )

[info]lovingbeauty in [info]new_worlds

Who: Aphrodite and Open
What: Letting Go
Where: A private beach in New York
When: June 24th late at night
Rating: R
Status: Open/Incomplete

Aphrodite was feeling a little wound up with everything that had been going on lately, and she decided that it was a good time to just go out and have some fun )

[info]jasminegrace in [info]new_worlds

Who: Jasmine and Open
What: Bar Fight
Where: A Bar in Downtown New York
When: June 24th late at night
Rating: R for possible violence and language
Status: Open/Incomplete

Jasmine was walking downtown when she saw a commotion just up ahead of her )

[info]_dove in [info]new_worlds

Who: Dawn Granger and Henry “Hank” Hall.
Where: Her Apartment, Platinum Flats.
When: Early Morning.
Why: Coming face to face for the first time since Zero Hour.
Open: No.
Rating: Moderate.
Status: In Progress.
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