October 12th, 2010

[info]monsterlikeher in [info]new_worlds

WHO: Micheal corvin, OPEN
WHAT: Hunting vampires(and maybe a skrull or two?)
WHEN: October 12th, 11:00 am
WHERE: Chicago
STATUS: Incomplete.
RATING: R for werevamp type stuffs

You better stay away from him, he'll rip your lungs out Jim )

[info]mouthymercenary in [info]new_worlds

WHO: Wade and Slade
WHAT: a Rematch
WHEN: October 12th. nighttime
WHERE: City park
STATUS: Incomplete.

we all know that crap is king )

[info]inthegamenow in [info]new_worlds

WHO: Gabriel and Sel
WHAT: some brotherly bonding
WHEN: October 12th, late at night
WHERE: middle of the city
STATUS: Incomplete.

I need you right now )

[info]mouthymercenary in [info]new_worlds

WHO: Wade Wilson and open to any of the avengers
WHAT: Wades tv time, and offically meeting part of the team
WHEN: Backdated
WHERE: Avengers mansion main room
STATUS: Incomplete.

Don't act like i never told you )