April 7th, 2010

[info]iron_titan in [info]new_worlds

Who: Locked:kitty and peter
What: A conversation
Where: The danger room then the garden
When: 4/7/2010
Rating: TBD
Status: complete.
just a sketch )

[info]victor_doom in [info]new_worlds

Who: Wanda and Victor
What: plans,ambitions...danger?
Where: Castle in latveria
Rating: TBD
Status: Locked/Incomplete.
What are two warlocks to do? )

[info]captainsxypants in [info]new_worlds

Who: James Kirk and OTA
What: Drinking and flirting;what he does best!
When: April 7th
Where: A seedy bar
Status: Open;incomplete
Rating: Low R.It isKirk after all.

I'm walking on sunshine;And don't it feel good~! )

[info]mouthymercenary in [info]new_worlds

Who: Wade 'Deadpool'Wilson&Emma frost
What: being awesome
When: April 7th
Status: Open;incomplete
Rating: High R.Its Wade after all.

Some will win, some will lose, some were born to sing to the blues )