New Residents - January 21st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
New Residents

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January 21st, 2008

[Jan. 21st, 2008|01:50 pm]
The name is Jake Kanners from F001. I like to eat, sleep, have fun and...stuff? What about you?

jake h bakes
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|04:13 pm]
Do you ever go to blockbuster? Because you look so familiar, like always browsing the "Special interest" section where mostly everything is unrated? Was that you?

If so I'm June and I'm 28 and I play some guitar and sing sometimes and I work at blockbuster where I tell someone whether or not they should rent a movie but who am I to judge them by telling them what they will or wont like?

Did you ever read the New Times from Phoenix? Cause I swore you wrote an editorial saying that they clearly typoed by saying I'M the craziest person in Phoenix. June Colombus was not happy that her article was about a different person.

If so, I'm June Colombo and I play music around time, and my record label thinks I should get on to recording some more songs so that we can both make money.

Tell me about YOU!
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DayanorAlex [Jan. 21st, 2008|05:06 pm]
Ok so Hi. The name's Dayan Dubrinsky. I work on cars, play my guitar, smoke, and drink.

Oh to pronounce my name right it is dah yahn.
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