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Apr. 21st, 2022


Prompt 485: Ricochet

Happy Neville Thursday!!

For our last round:
[info]enchanted_jae wrote Just for Us 2 Charlie/Neville

The new challenge is:

Prompt 485: Ricochet

This prompt will run until May 5.

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

Apr. 7th, 2022


Prompt 484: Longbottom Manor

Happy Neville Thursday!!

For our last round:
[info]digthewriter wrote Repent (LJ/IJ) Neville/Charlie
[info]enchanted_jae wrote Gran Neville

The new challenge is:

Prompt 484: Longbottom Manor

This prompt will run until April 21.

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

Apr. 4th, 2022



Title: Repent
Author: [info]digthewriter
Pairing: Neville/Charlie
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Challenge: Prompt 483: Ghost for [info]neville100
A/N: This is part 4 of the "nothing to something" story. Read it all here.

(LJ / DW / IJ)

Mar. 24th, 2022


Prompt 483: Ghost

Happy Neville Thursday!!

For our last round:
[info]digthewriter wrote Superficiality (LJ/IJ) Neville/Charlie
[info]enchanted_jae wrote Just for Us Charlie/Neville

The new challenge is:

Prompt 483: Ghost

This prompt will run until April 7.

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

Mar. 14th, 2022



Title: Superficiality
Author: [info]digthewriter
Pairing: Neville/Charlie
Word Count: 100x5
Rating: G/PG
Warnings: Body issues.
Challenge: Prompt 482: Story Time for [info]neville100
A/N: This is part 3 of the "nothing to something" story. Read it all here.

(LJ / DW / IJ)

Mar. 10th, 2022


Prompt 482: Story Time

Happy Neville Thursday!!

For our last round:
[info]enchanted_jae wrote Sweet Treat Charlie/Neville
[info]enchanted_jae wrote Scandalous Details 6 Harry/Draco, Neville
[info]digthewriter wrote The Extra Push Neville/Charlie
[info]torino10154 wrote Sweet Neville, Draco

The new challenge is:

Prompt 482: Story Time

This prompt will run until March 24.

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

Feb. 24th, 2022


Prompt 481: Weather

Happy Neville Thursday!!

For our last round:
[info]torino10154 wrote Stupid Cupid Neville/Draco
[info]lightofdaye wrote The Set-Up (LJ/AO3) Neville/Lavender

The new challenge is:

Prompt 481: Weather

This prompt will run until March 10.

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

Feb. 11th, 2022


Prompt 480: Cupid

Happy Neville Thursday Friday!! Sorry about that!

For our last round:
[info]torino10154 wrote Thaw Neville/Draco
[info]digthewriter wrote Nothing To Something Neville/Charlie
[info]lightofdaye wrote Head Master (LJ/AO3) Neville/Padma

The new challenge is:

Prompt 480: Cupid

This prompt will run until February 24.

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

Jan. 27th, 2022


Prompt 479: Headmaster

Happy Neville Thursday!!

For our last round:
[info]digthewriter wrote A shag before a shave? Neville, Draco, Harry
[info]torino10154 wrote Revelations Neville, Draco, other Hogwarts staff

The new challenge is:

Prompt 479: Headmaster

This prompt will run until February 10.

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

Jan. 13th, 2022


Prompt 478: Shave and a Haircut

Happy Neville Thursday!!

For our last round:
[info]digthewriter wrote ¡Vamos a hacerlo! (LJ) Neville/Charlie
[info]enchanted_jae wrote Surprise Reunion Neville/Charlie
[info]torino10154 wrote Starting Over (AO3) Neville, Draco, Harry, Hermione

The new challenge is:

Prompt 478: Shave and a Haircut

This prompt will run until January 27.

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

Dec. 30th, 2021


Prompt 477: Reunion

Happy Neville Thursday!!

For our last round:
[info]digthewriter wrote Champán Neville/Charlie

The new challenge is:

Prompt 477: Reunion

This prompt will run until January 13, 2022.

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

Dec. 20th, 2021


Champán (Neville/Charlie)

Title: Champán
Author: [info]digthewriter
Pairing: Neville/Charlie
Word Count: 100x2
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Prompt 476: Ginger FOR [info]neville100
A/N: A continuation of the series "Una Aventura" for Neville/Charlie.

(read more)

Dec. 16th, 2021


Prompt 476: Ginger

Happy Neville Thursday!!

For our last round:
[info]digthewriter wrote Clandestino Neville/Charlie

The new challenge is:

Prompt 476: Ginger

This prompt will run until December 30.

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

Dec. 2nd, 2021


Prompt 475: Undercover

Happy Neville Thursday!!

The new challenge is:

Prompt 475: Undercover

This prompt will run until December 16.

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

Nov. 18th, 2021


Prompt 474: Eclipse

Happy Neville Thursday!!

For our last round:
[info]enchanted_jae wrote Happy To Neville/Charlie
[info]digthewriter wrote En Movimiento (In Movement.) (LJ) Neville/Charlie

The new challenge is:

Prompt 474: Eclipse

This prompt will run until December 2.

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

Nov. 8th, 2021


En Movimiento (In Movement.)

Title: En Movimiento
Author: [info]digthewriter
Pairing: Neville/Charlie
Word Count: 100x3
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Prompt 473: Research FOR [info]neville100 & Jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge # 189 | Disagree, Disappoint.
A/N: A continuation of the series "Una Aventura" for Neville/Charlie.

(DW | LJ)

Nov. 4th, 2021


Prompt 473: Research

Happy Neville Thursday!!

For our last round:
[info]enchanted_jae wrote Scandalous Details 5 Harry/Draco, Neville
[info]digthewriter wrote El Siguiente Paso (The Next Step) Neville/Charlie
[info]delacourtings wrote Celebrate Neville/Charlie

The new challenge is:

Prompt 473: Research

This prompt will run until November 18.

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

Oct. 30th, 2021


El siguiente paso (the next step) - neville/charlie

Title: El Siguiente Paso (The Next Step)
Author: [info]digthewriter
Pairing: Neville/Charlie
Word Count: 100x3
Rating: PG
Challenge: Prompt 472: Harvest FOR [info]neville100.
A/N: A continuation of the series "Una Aventura" for Neville/Charlie.

(read on dw)

Oct. 21st, 2021


Prompt 472: Harvest

Happy Neville Thursday!!

For our last round:
[info]digthewriter wrote La Lucha (The Struggle) (LJ) Neville, Charlie, Ginny

The new challenge is:

Prompt 472: Harvest

This prompt will run until November 4.

As always, we encourage responses to any prompt at any time, so if an older challenge inspires you, please feel free to post for it!

Oct. 11th, 2021


La Lucha

Title: La Lucha (The Struggle)
Author: [info]digthewriter
Pairing/Characters: Neville, Charlie, Ginny
Word Count: 100x3
Rating: PG
Challenge: Prompt 471: Change of Plans
A/N: A continuation of the series "Una Aventura" for Neville/Charlie.


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December 2022




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