.the Netherworld's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
.the Netherworld

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[25 Mar 2008|11:51pm]
[ mood | busy ]

There have been some critical changes/additions to the (FAQs), so please read them over and if there are any questions do not be shy, ask me about them. I want to have everything absolutely clear to all the players so what everyone is on the same page. Also, if someone plays a character who has been dead in their canon for a any amount of time in whichever series, it is up to the person applying for said character to choose if they've lived in the Netherworld or some other area in their death.

On another note, since the activity check has gone by we have lost two players. Please update your (friends lists). Also, if you have any friends you think would perhaps be interested in the game, please don't be shy about giving them a link to it!

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[ viewing | March 25th, 2008 ]
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