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.the Netherworld

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[05 Mar 2008|06:30pm]
Hai gaiz. :D

I just wanted to let you guys know what um, from Friday to Monday, Jeremy and I will be on a short hiatus. My parents are flying down from Canada (we is in Florida) for a visit and we're going to spend the weekend with them at their resort and do many things. Woo. Anyway, we'll be around tonight and tomorrow night (but not the afternoon - we plan to meet them at the airport before going there on Friday!) Just an FYI, not that we've been super active anyway, which we both truly apologize for. Trying to get back into the swing of things, sorry for taking so long in doing so ;.; ♥

Anyway, that's all~

Love Megan (Ellen, Marlene, Fran and Sephiroth)
and Jeremy (Balthier and Keats) ♥

P.S. Also! Raini will be left in charge whilst I am gone. Plz to not be evils to her :O
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