Tuesday, January 26th, 2010


Nope, you haven't heard the last out of me yet. I just wanted to relink the yearbook megapost to everyone, in the event that they haven't checked it in a little while! People are still posting links to their yearbook pages, if you'd like to leave a character a note, and solicitations for superlative suggestions are still going up as well. People on page two could use a lot more love. Check it out if you get the chance! :D
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Sunday, January 24th, 2010


Hello again, Neofriends! Following up from the first post and Lindsey's template post yesterday, here is another installment of Neopolis yearbook stuff. If you have made a yearbook post for your character(s), please link it in the comments so that people can check them out/have their characters leave little "notes" on the post as they see fit!

This is probably an easy place to solicit input for superlatives, too, if you're participating and would like your character to have one. :D Thanks to all, and stay classy.

Now that a lot of people have replied, I've put together a list for easier browsing, if you want to jump to a specific thread in this post for suggestions, or to an actual yearbook post to have a character leave a note! In alphabetical order by last name. )
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Connie said do it, so I'm going to do it. Here is a suggestion for a simple template to use for those aforementioned yearbook sticky pages! See post if you missed it. Pictures to use with this should be 300x400. Sample and code below the cut!

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Saturday, January 23rd, 2010


Hello, Neopolis! In the game's waning days, I wanted to bring up a cool idea from chat that has yet to be acted upon. An end of the school year meme, if you will.

Some time ago, the idea of class superlatives was something that came up in chat, and how it might be a lot of fun to assign some to students in the game. I don't know if there's enough time to run superlatives, but this conversation led to a discussion of some sort of Neopolis yearbook, and how that might be a fun project, too.

One of the suggestions for pulling this off was for interested parties to put up a post, like the ones for FaceSpace profiles, where they can put up some sort of yearbook page by their own design, and/or leave comments open for other players to leave yearbook "notes" from their characters.

The idea stuck with me as something that might be nice to do, especially as part of the finish of everything here, thus I am putting it back out here. Thoughts? Other ways you think it could get done? They are all good! TYSM.
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