Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010


WHO: Zaccheus Odd [DOCTOR ODD].
WHAT: Odd reflects on the past schoolyear as he prepares to welcome students to their new home, and the second year of Neopolis Academy.
WHEN: His office and then the magic rec room.
WHERE: February 1st -- precisely one year after this.

It wasn't until the morning of February 1st that Odd realised he needed to do something about his office. )
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Sunday, January 31st, 2010


WHO: Zaccheus Odd [DOCTOR ODD] & Molly James [GHOST GIRL], brief mention of Richard James [MECHANISM MAN].
WHAT: The good doctor checks in on one of his friends, and in doing so, bumps into his favourite pseudo-niece.
WHEN: Earlier this week!
WHERE: Chez James!

The two men had paced the confines of the James household, discussing the building's structural damage in hushed, muted voices (punctuated by the occasional BOOMING CAPSLOCK). )
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Monday, January 25th, 2010

TO: zodd@neopolis.edu [ZACCHEUS ODD]
FROM: abjorkman@neopolis.edu [ANTONIA BJORKMAN]
CC: sgreen@neopolis.edu [SCOTT GREEN]
SUBJECT: rooming and crap stuff

hey dr. odd,

so duh i am getting married and shi like mad soon. crazy right? also that invitation wasn't optional.

whatever, anyway, if i'm someone's wife i kind of would like to like, you know. live with them. i'm way aware that you're not my dean, but i kind of called dean weathers a whore (which i stand behind and shit), so i don't think she's going to listen to any of my questions or be any way accommodating to any request i'll have for the next two years.

so i didn't know if there was anything that was doable. also i wanted to know if i can change my email and all that other bull, but i'll just go to the administration office when term starts, as long as we don't get horribly killed in the meantime.

so that's my email. thanks, have a good rest of your break and see you when i'm a green.

- antonia almost green

ps you should come to the reception, we can do shots.
pps antonia green sounds so good jsdfhsdkj
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[After this.]

TO: bbloxam@neopolis.edu [BEATRIX BLOXAM]
FROM: zodd@neopolis.edu [ZACCHEUS ODD]
SUBJECT: Residential Advising & assistance.

Miss Bloxam,

As you may well know, OUR GLORIOUS MAGIC FACULTY will be in need of a new third-year residential advisor for 2010-11. I would like to extend that offer to you. The position comes with ONE LARGE SINGLE ROOM and co-holding the office with your MALE COUNTERPART, Isaac Crowley.

And -- once again, pending YOUR ACCEPTANCE -- I would also like to invite you to T.A. for my seminar this year. I'm still finalising the syllabus, but the focus will once again turn towards novel spellcrafting (all the better to INSIDIOUSLY PREPARE STUDENTS for any apocalypses that come their way). It mostly consists of grading papers, helping me with the syllabus, letting me bounce ideas off you, and helping out with the chaperoned trips. And if you perform adequately, the difficulty curve on your assignments may incr

-Doctor Odd.
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Tuesday, January 19th, 2010


WHO: All members of the Neopolis community are invited!
WHAT: The belated birthday and victory over VILLAIN celebration.
WHEN: Tonight! January 19, 2010, from 8:00 PM until whenever.
WHERE: 1962 Fleming Drive, Neopolis, also known as Casa Duff.
STATUS: Work in progress! Please time-stamp your threads, if you comment on this post. For an example, please consult this post or this post. OOC reference about this party is here. Be sure to tag yourself if you add a comment, too. :)

The house on 1962 Fleming Drive usually stood dark and unoccupied, both of its occupants away from home on errands for work and school.

On the evening of January 19, it was anything but.

A few people arrived to lend a hand to efforts in setup and preparation, but it was after eight o'clock that the crush of arrivals really began. The guests soon proved themselves a very diverse crowd -- BHH and ELE, student and teacher. The victory that had been achieved over VILLAIN the past weekend belonged to everyone, regardless of affiliation or station in life. The owner of the house had wisely excused himself, turning a blind eye to whatever shenanigans would be going on under his roof, but it was much to the his daughter's delight that people were willing to cross party lines, at least for one night, in order to celebrate this achievement with her.

Who knew when the opportunity to have such a large and diverse party would present itself again? Hopefully the guests would take advantage of this rare moment while it lasted.
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Monday, January 18th, 2010


WHO: Zaccheus Odd [DOCTOR ODD] & Mycroft Longstaff [THE USURPER]
WHAT: Some convincing must occur for this odd couple to attend Svetlana's party.
WHEN: After this comment.
WHERE: Their respective telephones!

Seated in the cavernous and empty halls of his Key Largo residence, Odd was starting to feel the itch for some company. Any company. And a celebration (even if it meant turning a blind eye to underage drinking -- which was the least of their concerns this month, let's be honest) would be the ideal way to make this victory over VILLAIN feel, well, complete. But he'd be damned if he'd attend a student party without some support cavalry by his side.

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Thursday, December 31st, 2009


Who: Queenie Hero [THE VOODOO QUEEN], Johnny Justice [CAPTAIN JUSTICE, JR], Wendelin Tanglestice [THE FAIREST], Lance Crawford [SIR VALOR], Kate van Helsing [THE DARK LADY #2], Brendan Elliot [JETSTREAM], Dean Zaccheus Odd [DOCTOR ODD], and a cameo by Violet Broome [CASSANDRA]
When: 31 December, 2009; mid-afternoon.
Where: Odd's Library inside Danger Manor, Florida
What: Queenie & Co. execute their plan. It doesn't work out exactly how they would have hoped.

A deafening noise erupted from the portal as a creature burst from the portal... )
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And all my bones began to shake, my eyes flew open.

WHO: Zaccheus Odd [DOCTOR ODD] & Violet Broome [CASSANDRA], and later mention of Queenie & co.
WHAT: Some coffee, some conversation, some grading -- and then rushing to avert an emergency in his library.
WHEN: This afternoon.
WHERE: The Fringe Café, and then Danger Manor.

Felt it in my fist, in my feet, in the hollows of my eyelids. Shaking through my skull, through my spine, and down through my ribs. )
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Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009


The phone rings six times before it clicks into voicemail. Odd is unsurprised when the other man doesn't pick up; he clears his throat after the tone.

David. Is it true? If it's true, you're FAR MORE STUPID than I ever gave you credit for. I made the mistake of trusting them too, you know. They're nothing but PSYCHOPATHS -- and I know, I know, we're psychopaths, but at least we are predictable. Predictability is not a bad thing. It keeps us alive. They threw a -- you remember Mister Broadway, that League washout? They threw that CRAZED OPERA GHOST at me. Frankly, David, if you've tossed in your hat with those anarchists, I'm VEEEERY DISAPPOINTED. I'll be in touch. Or POSSIBLY NOT.

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Friday, December 11th, 2009


WHO: Dean Zaccheus Odd [DOCTOR ODD] & Trish Terroretti [ATHENA]
WHAT: Some reprimands, i.e. finally doing something about this.
WHEN: Early Friday morning.
WHERE: His office.

The continued disasters in his theatre production had kept the man sufficiently occupied that he had, for a second time, completely forgotten about the emails from Crowley that kept piling up in his inbox. )
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Saturday, December 5th, 2009

2 unsent emails -- and 1 almost unsent.

TO: vbroome@neopolis.edu [VIOLET BROOME]
FROM: zodd@neopolis.edu [ZACCHEUS ODD]
DATE: Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 5:36 PM [BACKDATED TO TWO WEEKS AGO]
SUBJECT: A request.

Are you doing anything on Saturday, December 5th
I require
As you might know, Dr. Elwood Danger is getting
There will be a lot of Band people at this function, and frankly, I'm not


TO: mtudor@neousd.edu [MEREDITH TUDOR]
FROM: zodd@neopolis.edu [ZACCHEUS ODD]
DATE: Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 5:57 PM
SUBJECT: An invitation.

Are you doing anything on Saturday, December 5th
I'm aware that, considering your circumstances, you might not be comfortable observing others entering NEWFOUND MARITAL BLISS, but they're two men and so I assume it might not be
I thought I might MAKE AMENDS for the lecturing I gave you when we last spo
I can't invite my EX-WIFE to a wedding and so I thought
---blast blast BLAST


TO: vbroome@neopolis.edu [VIOLET BROOME]
FROM: zodd@neopolis.edu [ZACCHEUS ODD]
DATE: Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 10:05 PM
SUBJECT: An invitation.

Are you doing anything two weeks from now?

And how well do you know John -- most commonly known as "Jack" -- Danger?
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Friday, December 4th, 2009


TO: zodd@neopolis.edu [ZACCHEUS ODD]
CC: vbroome@neopolis.edu [VIOLET BROOME]
FROM: icrowley@neopolis.edu [ISAAC CROWLEY]
SUBJECT: Following up on message from 11/16.

Message sent following this exchange.

Dr. Odd, I apologize for dredging up old business, but I wanted to follow up with you on the e-mail message that I sent to you on November 16 in regard to the altercation on the second floor of the Magic dormitory between Queenie Hero and Trish Terroretti of Science.

Unfortunately, I have yet to hear from you on this matter; normally I would write it off, but people in our faculty are beginning to ask questions about whether or not some sort of punishment will be applied to one or both parties for the conflict. I understand that having a party to the conflict outside our faculty's jurisdiction makes the resolution of this problem much more complex, but if you can give me anything to take back to people who have questions about consequences for the fight, then your assistance would be invaluable. Thank you very much.

Isaac Trismegistus Crowley
Curses & Hexes, Epic Arcane Literature T.A.
Magic Faculty Resident Advisor
Magic Faculty Dormitory, No. M108
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Wednesday, November 25th, 2009


WHO: Mycroft Longstaff [THE USURPER] and Zaccheus Odd [DR ODD]
WHAT: This is a MIRROR LOG. Wherein the directors of Who Killed Captain Impervious? discuss their options via communicative mirrors like the awesome dudes they are.
WHERE: Their offices.
WHEN: Early Wednesday morning.

    That damn letter. It had ruined what was turning out to be a rather mediocre evening for him. No news was good news had become the uttered oath at the end of each day. Mycroft sipped from his cup of scalding hot coffee.

    For three quarters of an hour he sits in his special leather chair, reading the same line over and over again. Finally, Mycroft throws the offensive paper from him with a deeply ingrained scowl upon his features. He unlocks a series of drawers with different keys, following the same pattern for an eighth and final time, at which point he withdraws from the drawer a small, flat silver filigree case. He opens the case where, upon a soft velvet cushion made of a blood red shade, is seated an Victorian-style silver hand mirror, with the most beautiful and elaborate decorations atop its exterior.

    Odd. He raps his knuckles on the mirror's face as if he were knocking at the door to someone's home. I know you're there, fool. Answer me.

    Mycroft S. Longstaff waits for his summons to be answered.
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Saturday, November 21st, 2009

emails. and one paper mail because mary collins is like, so not 21st century.

TO: emputron300@neopolis.edu [EMPUTRON 3000]
FROM: jmccreedy@neopolis.edu [JOSEPH MCCREEDY]
SUBJECT: College Opportunities after Neopolis Academy
email body )

TO: zodd@neopolis.edu [DEAN ZACCHEUS ODD]
FROM: jmccreedy@neopolis.edu [JOSEPH MCCREEDY]
SUBJECT: At your convenience
email body )

TO: tterroretti@neopolis.edu [TRISH TERRORETTI]
FROM: jmccreedy@neopolis.edu [JOSEPH MCCREEDY]
SUBJECT: Magic Altercation
email body )

TO: sduff@neopolis.edu [SVETLANA DUFF]
FROM: jmccreedy@neopolis.edu [JOSEPH MCCREEDY]
SUBJECT: Welcome Home
email body )

TO: elvanhelsing@neopolis.edu [ELENA VAN HELSING], tacato@neopolis.edu [AARON CATO], lantoni@neopolis.edu [LUCAS ANTONI], msexsmith@neopolis.edu [MARCUS SEXSMITH], akeller@neopolis.edu [ANDY KELLER], lcrawford@neopolis.edu [LANCE CRAWFORD]
FROM: jmccreedy@neopolis.edu [JOSEPH MCCREEDY]
email body )

TO: aandreatta@neopolis.edu [AMY ANDREATTA]
FROM: jmccreedy@neopolis.edu [JOSEPH MCCREEDY]
SUBJECT: (no subject)
email body )

[printed, folded, and sealed with tape, slipped under Mary's door]
TO: mcollins@neopolis.edu [MARY COLLINS]
SUBJECT: (no subject)
email body )
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Thursday, November 19th, 2009


A letter delivered today to Reynaud Hero's attorneys. )
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Wednesday, November 18th, 2009

Amendment: her comfort was presently smaller.

WHO: Dr. Zaccheus Odd [DOCTOR ODD] and Professor Theodora Endischee [CASTILLEJA]
WHAT: Go figure that alcohol makes loose lips, which in turn sink ships; it merely happens that this particular fleet must have held Dr. Odd and Professor Endischee's dignity within. Long after the salubrious faculty members of a post-Timesplosion celebration party disperse, the hosted and host have a discussion on magic and how it relates to stuff like Bad Touching and nasty ex-wives. Highlights include: naked lesbian pheremonal rub-downs, The Crazy to Whore Venn Diagram, and Professor Endischee grabbing her boobs. Yes, children, you read right.
WHEN: Late Friday, the 29th of May, 2009. That's right, friends: this may be the most backdated log you have ever read in this community to date. Childhood logs totally don't count, suckers.
WHERE: The Endischee Residence!
RATING: Clearly, it is G. So, so G.

I think there's something magical about tits and ass. And I don't even mean that sexually. )
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Monday, November 16th, 2009


TO: zodd@neopolis.edu [ZACCHEUS ODD]
CC: vbroome@neopolis.edu [VIOLET BROOME]
FROM: icrowley@neopolis.edu [ISAAC CROWLEY]
SUBJECT: Altercation on second floor of faculty dormitory.

The umpteenth iteration of BHH v. ELE conflict has manifested itself on the second floor of our dormitory this evening.

From a cursory examination of their network conversation before the fight, it would appear that Queenie Hero (Magic Faculty) provoked Trish Terroretti (Science Faculty) into making a threat of physical confrontation on which she has obviously followed through. Students stepped in to break the two of them up soon afterward. Although the human cost was low, the material cost was high: the real casualty of the evening was the second floor furniture, and a door that has been ripped off its hinges.

After the fight reached its conclusion, Queenie Hero informed me of her hope that Trish Terroretti will not get away without some sort of punishment. The idea of agreeing with her is something that usually makes me want to shoot myself in the head with a large-caliber bullet, but on this I concur with her. I realize this puts you in an awkward position, but I hope that some sort of conversation with Trish Terroretti would not go amiss: about the fact that sectarian fighting has been a cause célèbre of late, or if nothing else, the fact that she should have the good sense to take the fight out of the dormitory so none of us have to worry about ruined school property, or writing (and having to suffer through reading) long-winded R.A. mail in the future.

Or the fact that coming to follow through on her threat makes us look very bad, as Queenie Hero cannot seem to fight worth a damn.

I hope there is something that you can do to assist us with this situation. Thank you.

Isaac Trismegistus Crowley
Curses & Hexes, Epic Arcane Literature T.A.
Magic Faculty Resident Advisor
Magic Faculty Dormitory, No. M108
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Sunday, November 15th, 2009

log; never piss off a witch.

WHO: Zaccheus Odd [DR. ODD] & Meredith Tudor [THESSALY]
WHAT: The Doctor finally gets an earful (and more!) from Marla's very persistent mother.
WHEN: HOLY BACKDATE, BATMAN! Early September-ish?
WHERE: Odd's office and the Tudor family kitchen.
RATING: PG. For having such a foul-mouthed kid, Meredith keeps it clean.

Dialing his number had become part of her daily routine by now. Six am, wake up. Eight am, begin lessons. Three twenty-two pm, bus duty. Four fifteen pm, call Zaccheus Odd. Incinerate his answering machine when he refuses to answer. )
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Wednesday, November 11th, 2009


WHO: Zaccheus Odd [DOCTOR ODD].
WHAT: It is his fifty-first birthday.
WHEN: Backdated to last night; November 10th, 2009!
WHERE: Neopolis and England.

Parents do not know what they do when they leave tender babes alone to go to sleep in the dark. The feeling about for a friendly arm -- the hoping for a familiar voice -- when they wake screaming -- and find none to soothe them -- what a terrible shaking it is to their poor nerves! )
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Tuesday, November 10th, 2009

Presents for Odd, Z.


Left for Dr. Odd in a box on the steps of his campus residence. )
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