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a Teen-Wolf based multi-fandom game
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[16 Sep 2014|09:50pm]

Thanks for making my first birthday party really awesome, guys.

Ethan [13 Sep 2014|11:49pm]

Doing alright? Do you need anything?

[13 Sep 2014|01:39am]

I've been enrolled in the college now, started taking a couple classes on dance and drama. Acting drama, not like.. well, what the TNT cable network knows for Law and Order and its other shows. Hmm, now I got that gavel banging sound effect in my head.

But this. Taking dance classes. It's something I'd wanted to do since I was younger. Though I'd hoped it would be London Uni, this one should do fine for me. Might take an art elective next semester. I just wish my pals from Bristol could see me now. Or more than that, my parents. Still miss them.

Cora [11 Sep 2014|08:23am]

Want to go shopping with me?

Scott's friends but not Scott [10 Sep 2014|11:22pm]

So, Scott's birthday is coming up on the 16th. Do we want to do anything special for him?

[09 Sep 2014|12:43pm]

Dean ol' mate, fancy a pint? Hell, anyone fancy a pint? I'm buying. Quite a lot I think. It's been a very long week.

Erin, Hayley [09 Sep 2014|10:43am]

Did the muscle relaxers help at all last night?

Deaton [08 Sep 2014|06:49pm]

Two members of my pack are wolves that only change with the full moon, and it's extremely painful for them. Do you have anything that can help with the pain of the change?

[08 Sep 2014|02:34pm]

I may be alone here but I miss my ghost. Sally is one cool chick.

I just realized my birthday is on Friday. Finally I'll be 16!


Supermoon again tonight.

Pack and Friends Filter [08 Sep 2014|09:27am]

I think after last week, I need therapy. Seriously, my dad? If Derek hadn't already tried it, I'd blow up that damn tree.

Hayley and Cora, thank you for staying with me, I really appreciate it.

[08 Sep 2014|10:10am]

Cora Hale you have (2) new messages!Read more... )

Cora's family and close friends [07 Sep 2014|11:57pm]

In case you were concerned, I'm taking care of Cora at the clinic. It seems her visitor found wolfsbane and mistletoe.

stilinski household filter [07 Sep 2014|07:45pm]

at clinic. not sure when allowed to move or leave. don't worry.

[07 Sep 2014|10:35pm]

Hating that tree so much right now. So damn much, I swear It brought stuff back for me. Umm, memories from before, about my foster parents. I wish I could have saved them Not much I could have done but at least I'd Don't know if they hear me now but I'm really sorry that t I can't help thinking I should have been able to prevent it or at least warned them.

Argent Filter [04 Sep 2014|10:01am]

sorry aboutt he living room. ill clean it up when im not seeing spots.

Lydia [03 Sep 2014|11:51pm]

[ooc: Today has been weird for me. Please backdate this to late afternoon of today.]

I just got the call. The blood test was negative. I'm not pregnant.

I know you'd probably want to hear this in person, but I got the call from the OB-GYN's office and I wanted to share with you. I'm not pregnant. Do you want to come over?

[03 Sep 2014|06:59pm]

Because one just wasn't enough, why not add another ghost to the mix.

[02 Sep 2014|09:08pm]

Well, I'm not bored anymore. Kind of wish I was. School wasn't horrible, I guess.

[02 Sep 2014|11:44am]

Is anyone else not being completely traumatized by the sudden ghost visitors? Because, I'll admit, mostly I'm just annoyed at mine right now.

Deaton [02 Sep 2014|11:38am]

So, ghosts. Local lore. Got any?

(ETA) [Open filter]

Hey, is anyone ghost-free right now that could watch my girls? I need to go check on a packmate friend and I need to be able to focus on him.

[02 Sep 2014|09:12am]

I'm beginning to think the tree has a vendetta against my mom. Because while it seems things usually are all "Here lets attack the people on the network and leave others alone" it does the opposite with her. Is it even possible for a tree to hold a vendetta? I mean. I know it's all sentient or something, but this seems to be personal. At least against her. Since... again, she doesn't even use this.

Hey. Are you holding up okay?

[02 Sep 2014|09:45am]

My dad is back. I swear to god he's back.


My dad is here! He's glaring at me and shouting, but I can't hear him. But I can read his lips. I'm...scared.

Ethan (pre-ghost) [01 Sep 2014|10:58pm]

Haven't heard much on the Net from you. How are you adjusting? Do you need anything?

[01 Sep 2014|04:38pm]

Doesn't this tree ever get bored of messing with us?

Letha. [01 Sep 2014|12:01pm]

For the time being, you can bring your daughter to work with you until you get child care.

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