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Jan. 14th, 2010


Melina Alise Morozov

O HAI~ This is Meghan with the second half of the redheaded twins! I have Melina, who is much easier to get to know than her twin. Melina is pretty much an open, sweet, trusting individual, who likes most people. She's very talkative, she isn't afraid of starting a completely random conversation over nothing at all. She's not horribly intelligent, she leaves that stuff to Maddie. She's more than a bit naive and takes things at face value, she isn't one to read in between the lines and see anything that is being left unsaid. Um, yes, so plot with me? She needs friends, people who think she's as annoying as heck, people who ignore her and that bothers her... etc.

Her bio is here so check it out pretty please? ♥


Hi, guys. I know the Open Mic Night thread is way old now, but I had Staas' grubby fingerprints all over it, and wanted to hold him back for a bit, and not hog all the tags. But I can hold him back no longer. He has been sitting on this idea forever and now wants to play for everybody. So I tagged the thread with his performance, and he really hoped people enjoy it.

This is the arrangement he played:

Only not so stiff and creepy savant-like, says he. Also, after, he indulges in a merry round of A Pirate's Life For Me, and wants everyone to sing along whenever they know the words, even if they only know the Yo ho part.

That's it. He thanks you all for listening.



Hey guys, I had to drop Kai because his muse was not working out in Nearside. So I made you all one half of an identical twin instead! This is Madeline, only her sister can get away with calling her Maddie. She's way cold and calculating, and comes off as haughty and arrogant. Definite Ice Bitch material. She loves her family and closest friends dearly, and only warms up for them.

One line I'm particularly interested in playing out is Madeline becoming aware of her homosexuality. She's never dated anyone, but she kinda assumes she is heterosexual because a) her sister is, and b) why wouldn't she be? So it will be fun having her with a guy (either in game or npc) and absolutely not being on the same page as him, wondering why the heck she is not, and just generally thinking that something must be wrong with her.

I would love, love, love to plot with y'all! You're likely to catch her around her apartment, studying at the coffeehouse, lurking in the bookstore or practicing her ballet in the dance studio!

Madeline's app is here. Remember, I'm Treyvonifx on Aim if you need to catch me!

Jan. 9th, 2010


Hey y'all!

It's me again, Ginger, though I know most of you weren't around last time I had to do an intro post... Anyway, this is my newest addition to the Nearside family, Shawn Maddox! I am super excited about him, and I really can't wait to plot and play and write and etc.

Shawn is, to put it bluntly, a convict. He's only a couple months out of a nine-year prison sentence, and only moved to Nearside back in the first/second week of December. He's sort of gruff and, while he may look approachable at times, he probably isn't. He's intensely private, for good reason, and even after a month in town, he still hasn't really managed to meet anyone. He's been seen around town, but not too often. He's job-searching (though his past continually haunts him), and just trying to make a life for himself in this town. Read more about him here!

You guys probably already know this, but I'm available on AIM @ New Londons Fire, and I think myself pretty approachable? (Certainly moreso than Shawn, that is.)

Jan. 6th, 2010


durr wrong journal i am the smoothest criminal

Feels sort of gratuitous to make a whole new post just for this announcement, but I made an AIM account specially for this RP! Feel free to hit me up at irabosko (boring, I know) if you want to start something up or just to chat. Or, if I get over my crippling shyness, maybe I'll say hi first, who knows. <3

[EDIT:] I am the king of awkward waffling, and thus:

personal screen name: animalfright
character screen name: irabosko

thanks, and sorry for any confusion.


A few things, probably nothing important

1. Floor Plan. (Wasn't kidding) Click me for writer OCD
2. Cover Lucas is doing for open mic youtube link (more OCD)
3. I have learned that I am no good at threading. It confuses me. So if I do it wrong, now you know why.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled life.

Jan. 5th, 2010


Hello all! New girl here! My real name is Christina, though I tend to go by sprouts online. Either way, if you call, I will answer. My AIM is BroganWright, and my email is I'm 31, currently without job, and fairly obsessive when it comes to these things, so I'll be around a lot. :)

I bring you Sam West. He is Nearside's resident Brit, though he hasn't been there but two months or so, and he hasn't done a lot of socialising yet, as he is extremely uncomfortable not knowing anyone and also being dirt poor. He's working at the P&P though, so stop in and say hi! And, no, he hasn't Americanised himself at all yet, so his threads and journals will very much be British. If you or your characters have no clue what he's talking about, just ask him. And remember, if you get him talking about football, he isn't going on and on about that stupid game with the helmets and pigskin. ;)

I hope to see you all around town!

Sam West

Jan. 4th, 2010


hi, kids! I go by Skippy and I'm super pleased to be here amongst you lovely ladies and (happy surprise)other gentlemen. I'm not too experienced with journal RP so I hope you guys'll have patience with me as I try to hash my way through this without making too much of a mess. Constructive criticism is always welcome, of course.

I'm here as Ira (or you can call him Bosko, it's up to you). He's quiet and has got a bit of a robot-face but he's actually much more excitable than he looks and a friendly and loyal guy. You have to poke him first, though; he not shy or awkward, just not a huge talker without prompting. Works at the antiques shop (looking forward to talking to you other history dorks employees!). And he's kind of a catastrophe in the kitchen, so he'll probably be seeing a lot of your character if he or she works at an eating establishment.

That's it, I think. Looking forward to some fun adventures with you lot, and let me know if you're interested in kicking something up.


Oh hello people~! I'm Trey back with Kai here. Kai is native hawaiian, but he grew up in Cali with a huge family. That is also where he met his wife, Meredith. She is older than him, and is an architect, she used to work with the city that they lived in, but now she is on a contractual basis. Basically, she travels near constantly and is never home.

Kai here used to be a fisherman, but since Meredith's job brought her to Nearside he is working as the seafood manager at the grocer's and has been for a year (?) or so. Personality wise, he tends to be the direct opposite of his appearance. While he looks like a real bruiser, tall and imposing, in actuality he is unfailingly polite and helpful. Not exactly a teddy bear though, he is kind and laid back. It takes him a long time to get worked up over anything, but he holds grudges forever and a day. He lets most transgressions slid over him, but the major ones he never forgives.

Plot with my baby?


It's been great meeting you all, but Narelle and I must say our goodbyes.

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