closed rp's Journal
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Below are the 6 most recent journal entries recorded in closed rp's InsaneJournal:

    Saturday, April 25th, 2009
    3:21 pm
    Pansy hated these parties. But with the problems she'd had with her business she couldn't afford not to be here. Things between Roger and her hadn't been the best lately. The house was finished but Pansy felt like they were in limbo, avoiding the topic of marriage like the plague. So Pansy spent more time at work, which just made them grow further apart.

    They'd even come to this Ministry ball separately. Pansy was an hour late, but she'd missed most of the boring speeches so she was secretly thrilled. Before Pansy could locate Roger in the crowd, she was intercepted by Draco and enveloped into his arms. Draco smelled of expensive cologne and liqour and she suddenly realized how long it has been since she'd just been hugged or kissed or anything.

    Pansy suffered through some small talk before she dragged him out the back so she could have a cigarette.

    "How have you been, Draco, really?" Pansy finally asked, because she felt like they were just beating around the bush.

    "Miserable, Pansy." He answered her honestly and sighed, fingers running through platinum strands.

    "I'm really sorry tha-" But before Pansy could finish her sentence Draco had her pressed against the bricks, his tongue in her mouth and both his arms around her. It felt like forever since she'd felt this kind of passion directed at her and she may have kissed back, but only for a moment before she was pushing him away.
    Wednesday, April 1st, 2009
    1:15 am
    Pansy hated these evenings. Where she had to dress up in something that hadn't been fashionable since the 12th century and drink stiff martini's with her parents. No one got comfortable and no one had a good time. It was just how her mother wanted it. Applying her 400th coat of mascara Pansy moved back into their bedroom, listening to the hem of her formal robes slide across the tiles.

    They weren't going to be nice to him. They weren't going to accept him. But they'd decided it was time they met him. Pansy looked down at her engagement ring, smiling as she took in the now familiar sight.

    Pansy had purchased Roger a new set of robes, the most expensive well cost robes money could buy. Her parents were shallow people and she knew that would be the thing to impress him most. But at the moment they were still trying to get over the fact their unwed daughter was living with a man. It was going to be a long night.
    Sunday, March 29th, 2009
    1:29 am
    Pansy was about ready to tear her hair out. Not only was everything in the air at work, Marcus and Greg had been arrested and their were ministry workers crawling all over her office. It made her stomach churn just being there but Pansy had no choice but to keep on keeping on. Standing in front of the full length mirror in their bedroom, Pansy carefully adjusted the collar on her blue shirt, making sure it was neatly tucked in to the black silk high waisted skirt. Roger and Pansy had been engaged for months but she'd not met his mother yet. In all the time they'd spent together she'd only heard about her in passing. But the day had come when the two women in Roger's life had to meet.

    In an attempt not to look too intimidating, because she knew she came off that way, Pansy had forgone the high heels and had gone out to buy a gorgeous pair of flats. Under her skirt Pansy was hiding a pair of Roger's favourite stockings maybe in an attempt to get him to rush this meeting as fast as possible.

    In all her life she'd never cared what anyone thought of her but this was different, so very different. Pansy turned to look at her back in the mirror and was compelled to change her clothes, for the sixth time, but restrained herself, just. It was getting a tad ridiculous. Leaving her reflection behind Pansy hunted through their house, checking to make sure there wasn't a thing out of place. Never much for housework she'd borrowed her family elves to clean the place from top to bottom, because Pansy just couldn't stand the idea of this not going perfectly. "Love?" Pansy called as she adjusted one of the pillows on the couch.
    Thursday, November 20th, 2008
    9:22 am
    Days passed quickly when she was busy and busy she was, Pansy was just about to open her first muggle/wizard hotel which would be accessible to both sorts and help make it easier when traveling. The money and the hours that went in to organizing a project like that were colossal so when nine pm rolled around she was exhausted. Finally realizing she needed to leave for dinner or she was just never going to get there Pansy threw a handful of floo powder into her fireplace, grabbed her purse and stepped through in to Roger's living room.

    It hadn't been easy, convincing him he could do this, be in a healthy monogamous relationship. But in Pansy's opinion, they were going well. All she knew was that she was happy, happier than she could remember being in a very long time.

    Setting her bag on his coffee table she kicked off her shoes, groaning in pleasure when her feet were finally able to sit flat on the floor. "Tell me you've got leftovers, sorry I'm so late." Pansy called out, slipping her jacket off and undoing the first few buttons on her shirt.
    Friday, June 6th, 2008
    2:29 pm
    Revenge. )
    2:21 pm
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