IJ NaNoWriMos - October 2nd, 2009
Insanity is our middle name

User: [info]nanoijers (posted by [info]insanitys_place)
Date: 2009-10-02 21:53
Subject: 1 month and counting!
Security: Public
Mood:excited excited
Tags:mod post

It's that time of year everyone! Can't you feel the anticipation in the air? The website has been relaunched (and looking finer than ever), we're all polishing/starting our outlines (or thinking "outline, what outline? :P"), and it's time for introductions!
Now, I'm trying to puzzle over this, but to keep this place nicely organized here's the introduction post. Please introduce yourself if you haven't already! There's a form/meme thingy if you'd like to fill it out, but If you don't want to use it, that's just as awesome. Why I put them in two separate posts, the universe may never know, but oh well.

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my journal
November 2009