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Myths Retold RPG

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[28 Nov 2015|11:52pm]

Pan and Open
When: Sunday Morning
Where: the diner
What: Pan's late to the party

Fashionably Late )
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[22 Nov 2015|03:05pm]

Who: Persephone and Hades
Where: At home
What: Talking
When: Sunday afternoon
Status: Complete

Lazy Sunday )
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[18 Nov 2015|09:23pm]

Who: Athena and Poseidon
When: After the Meeting
What: Reality
Where: The Car

Read more... )
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[18 Nov 2015|10:11am]

Who: Hecate and Hermes
Where: At home
What: Teasing
When: Tuesday evening
Status: Complete

Awkward )
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[18 Nov 2015|09:07am]

Who: Apollo and Hebe
Where: In town
What: Catching up
When: Tuesday morning
Status: Complete

Learning the town )
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[16 Nov 2015|10:18pm]

Who: Edna (Demeter) and Set
Where: Set's office
What: The gods are growing
When: Monday afternoon
Status: Complete

Won't someone PLEASE think of the children?! )
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[13 Nov 2015|09:22pm]

Who: The whole gang
Where: Hermes' place
What: Family meeting - catching the newbies up
When: Saturday morning
Status: Complete

Town Hall Meeting )
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[13 Nov 2015|08:48am]

Who: Athena and Poseidon
When: Friday morning
Where: The boat
What: Putting in to port.

Bringing her home. )
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[11 Nov 2015|10:38pm]

Who: Persephone and Hermes (and a little bit of Hades)
Where: Home (they're neighbors now)
What: Old friends reunite
When: Thursday morning
Status: Complete

Meeting the neighbor )
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[11 Nov 2015|09:57am]

Who: Zeus and Hera
Where: At the bed and breakfast
What: Zeus gets back after the confrontation between Artemis and Hera
When: Tuesday evening
Status: Complete

The long road )
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[10 Nov 2015|04:32pm]

Who: Hera and Artemis
When: Tuesday Afternoon
Where: The edge of the National Forest
What: Hera and Artemis run into each other.

Clash of the Goddesses )
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[09 Nov 2015|08:25pm]

Who: Apollo and Hermes
What: Sorry Alexandria
Where: In Town
When: Shortly after the twins arrive

Read more... )
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[08 Nov 2015|10:21pm]

Who: Apollo and Artemis
Where: At their cabin
What: Arriving and checking the cabin out
When: Sunday
Status: Complete

Twin Speak )
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[06 Nov 2015|08:24am]

Who: Zeus and Athena
Where: Out
What: Catching up
When: Friday
Status: Complete

Daddy's Little Girl )
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[05 Nov 2015|10:28pm]

Who: Edna and Hades
Where: At the B&B
What: Hades picks something up that Persephone forgot
When: Thursday
Status: Complete

The Prodigal Son-in-Law Returns )
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[05 Nov 2015|07:04pm]

Who: Athena and Poseidon
What: Whale Watching
Where: His new shiny boat
When: Whenever

Read more... )
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[04 Nov 2015|08:20pm]

Who: Persephone and Set
What: Welcome Meeting
When: Wednesday

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[04 Nov 2015|09:07am]

Who: Hera and Zeus
Where: In town
What: Having a day together
When: Wednesday
Status: Complete

Day One of the Woo )
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[02 Nov 2015|10:37pm]

Who: Poseidon and Persephone
Where: Persephone and Hades' home
What: Poseidon comes asking for advice
When: Friday evening after their meeting while Hades is at the store
Status: Complete

Advice freely given )
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[01 Nov 2015|01:45pm]

Who: Athena and Poseidon
Where and What: Day Trip to Nome
When: Saturday

Read more... )
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