Friday, July 24th, 2009

Who: Poppy and Desmond
When: 2.30am
Where: Park
What: Poppy makes a friend... with fangs

Poppy had woken up about an hour ago, then found she was unable to sleep. So she had decided to go for a walk, she had pulled on some leggings, and shoes and then just put a thick coat on over her nightie. It would do! It was a good thing James was asleep, she was certain he could go nuts if he knew she was going out walking at this time of night.

She soon found herself in the park, and decided it was a good idea to sit down on a bench, this being pregnant thing was annoying at times, she had to sit down and rest and things! Though it was nice to look at the stars. She didn't relise she wasn't alone.
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Friday, July 17th, 2009

To shop or not to shop?

Who: Poppy and Open
When: Mid Morning
Where: Mall
What: Poppy is out window shopping

Poppy had decided to actually get out of bed today, and let James sleep in. He was working hard after all and having nightmares, so she would leave him alone to rest.

She had decided to go window shopping and had found herself outside a shop that had lots of baby clothes and toys and essentials and maternity clothes. She stood looking at all the things through the window, she wanted to go in. But then she would just spend James' money on things it was far too early to be buying...Wouldn't hurt to look right?

She stood outside the window biting her lip trying to decide wether to go in or not.
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Saturday, July 11th, 2009

Who: Poppy and James
When: Evening
Where: James' place
What: Poppy and James having a nice evening

Poppy was happy that James was going to be home soon. She had now stopped working for Nicola, with the morning sickness and tireness, working with food and people just wasn't a good idea. She wasn't actually living with James, but she did spend most of her time with him.

She was very tired though, the doctor had said that was normal though. So she hadn't moved far from James' bed today, it was comfy and smelt like James, and she was tired. So she snuggled up to a pillow in her pjs and waited.
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Saturday, February 14th, 2009

ticking time bomb

Who: James, Poppy, Nicola, Delos, Zar
When: 8pm
Where: Movie Theatre
What: James has a brush with Zar

Well isn't this fun? )
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Tuesday, December 30th, 2008

milkshakes and cookies!

Who: Poppy, James, Nicola, Delos and open to Natalie
When: Closing time
Where: Delights
What: Having fun with the days wasted stock

Poppy flipped the sign to say the little store was closed and went to clean up before the boys arrived, there was plenty of food left and milk that needed using, so they all might as well have a treat.

Delos walked out of his own store after making sure everything was going well with Tristan and over to the charming florist around the corner - even though delights was closer. "Are you ready to go?" He asked James as he stuck his head around the door with a soft smile.
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Monday, December 15th, 2008

wakey wakey!

Who: Poppy and James
When: Morning
Where: James' place/the streets
What: Just your average morning

The alarm went off for the second time and Poppy lent over James to turn it off. It couldn't possibly be time to get up yet, she was much too comfy! She opened one eye to look at the time relising that must have been the second alarm not the first, damnit, that just wasn't fair. She snuggled back up to James and pressed a soft kiss to his chest. "Mornin' sleepy head, the evil clock of doom says it's time to get up." She said stroking his face softly.
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Tuesday, December 9th, 2008

Who: Poppy and Open
When: 8am
Where: Nicki's Delights
What: Poppy is working like every day, happy in the knowledge Nicky is well and will soon be home

Poppy had heard from Nicola that she was coming home today. That was good, she was very happy Nicola was well again. Though didn't know if she was going to be at work tomorrow or not. She had decided that if she didn't she'd go and see her. She wouldn't tonight as she guessed she would want to spend some time with Delos.

She was having fun though, it had been a busy morning, she had recently been sick and was very glad of the alcohol rub, otherwise she just may not feel clean. She'd also brought a toothbrush with her now, she needed it! This pregnancy thing was annoying at times, did make James flinch though when she decided it was his fault, it amused her. She came back from the toilet to clean the counter, unless there were customers of course.
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Wednesday, October 15th, 2008

Who: Poppy, James, and Lore (NPC)
When: 6pm
Where: Poppy's house
What: Poppy finally lets James meet her father.

Poppy had made sure it was well after dark before bringing James to her place. After all she wanted ehr father awake and looking as little like a corpse as he could. They had decided it was probably best not to tell James what Lore was yet, she didn't want him running. She smiled at them as they walked towards the house. "So nervous?" She asked.

Lore was inside he'd already been out and gorged himself on blood. He could do this, he had done it before when Poppy was young and he had to go into school for any reason. Of course as poppy got older he didn't and eventually there would be no way he would pass as her father. Right now he looked like he'd have been young when he took her in. It would have to do. He moved to turn the heating on for the house, it was chilly, because he needed a reason for wearing gloves so he didn't have to waste energy and heat on warming his hands. He dusted off his clothes a little, they hadn't been warn in a while. But he looked quite smart. Now he just had to remember not to threaten the boy.
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Monday, September 29th, 2008


Who: Robin, Quinton, James, Poppy and Open
When: 10pm onwards
Where: The last round
What: The four meet and talk

Upon seeing James at the bar the strange Genie did as he was told and ran to attack James. He came right up behind him and leapt onto his back, squeeling with glee. "Hiiiiii Jaaaaames!" It was always such a lovely thing to have happen to an unsuspecting person.
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Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008

Party People

Who: Open to All
When: 9pm and on
Where: The Last Round
What: New Year's Eve Party

The Christmas decorations had been taken down and replaced with one for the party. The bar actually looked festive. Of course Gideon hadn't done it himself. He had had a couple of the employees do it. Still, it looked nice. The bar had been open for a while now but the party was just now set to start. Which was way Gideon was coming down the stairs dressed as a preacher.
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Saturday, September 6th, 2008

Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker... no not really. Candy is better.

Who: Natalie (Open to those there)
When: About 3pm
Where: Nicki's Delights
What: The sweet tooth must be satisfied. That's all there is to it.

Cakes and Pies! Cakes and Pies! )
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Thursday, August 21st, 2008

Who: Poppy, James, Nicola, Delos
When: Evening
Where: Poppy's house
What: James and Poppy host a evening in and invite Delos and Nicola around for the evening

Read more... )
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Tuesday, August 19th, 2008

I believe in father christmas

Who: Poppy, James and his family(NPC)
When: Morning
Where: James' mothers house
What: James takes Poppy to his families home to meet them for Christmas

They sold me a dream of Christmas )
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Sunday, August 10th, 2008

We need to talk...yeah never a good way to start a conversation

Who: Poppy and James
When: 6.30am
Where: James’ place
What: Poppy goes to talk to James and break the news to him

Poppy was nervous, very nervous. She hadn’t slept all night worrying what she was going to tell James. She had spoken with her Dad and he’d firstly threatened to murder James then he’d been quite supportive. Well he would he was the living dead; at one point he didn’t think he’d be a father never mind a grandfather. He hadn’t really been able to help with what to say to James though, just that if he upset her he’d come and tear his head off. Always helpful.

So Poppy had decided to do this early, before her had to go to work, so she wouldn’t be worrying about it all day or have to face him at lunch without telling him. She stood outside of his apartment chewing her lip. She sighed and told herself that she could do this, she had to! Then knocked.
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Saturday, August 9th, 2008

Oh dear?

Who: Poppy and Aaron
When: early afternoon
Where: The hospital
What: Poppy goes to get from results and can’t decide if it’s good news or not.

Poppy had cut work early today, she hadn’t wanted to but she had a call from the doctor that she should go to the hospital because her test results were in. That was fast, she’d only had the blood tests a few days ago, oh well, and she assumed it was just easier to send her to the hospital.

She went and sat in the waiting room, she hated hospitals. Why was she hear, she only felt a bit off? Nothing to worry about right?
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Sunday, June 15th, 2008

Back to normal?

Who: James, Poppy, Nicola, Delos
When: 2 pm
Where: Delight’s
What: Three stores have closed in Mysteria for their dinner and have congregated to discuss the happenings of yesterday.

Nicola sat on a small wooden chair drawing in to the some flour on the table top. She wasn’t too sure of what to say. She was waiting for Delos. Oh and James. But Delos. She blushed just thinking about him. He was so gentle. So sweet. But such power. Such majesty.

She looked up at Poppy, “You have an amazing skill with technology.” She finally spoke. “Would you not get more money working somewhere using that skill?”
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Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

we should do something! Pray? How about something useful?

Who: Nicola, James, Poppy, Delos, Duncan, Indy and Open
When: 12:24
Where: Nicki’s Delights
What: A normal lunchtimes business is interrupted.

As soon as the lights went out, the worry inside the shop climaxed. Scrabbling in the dark Nicola started to light the Christmas Candles around the café. Luckily she had decorated the place fully. She stood back as the shop was awash in a dim yellow glow.

Tentatively she walked over to the windows, her shop had huge windows on to sides looking out on to the street. She’d shouted everyone in she could from off of the streets her powers going hay wire. Her head throbbed as she got flashes of things happening all around her. She’d gotten so dizzy and faint before the blackout.

Backing away from the windows quickly as in the corner of her eye she spotted movement. She rushed back over towards Delos and clutched at her head. She tensed for a moment before she sat down in a chair near the till.
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Friday, May 9th, 2008

learning is fun!

Who:James and Poppy, then Delos and Nicola too
When: about 6.30
Where: James’ place
What: Delos and Nicola have come too teach James a few things

”Warning )
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Friday, March 28th, 2008


Who: Poppy and Lore(npc)
When: Early evening
Where: Reed home
What: Poppy returns home after spending the night with James to find her father less than pleased.

Poppy had had a great night, and morning and afternoon, all was good and as she returned home just as it was getting dark she just couldn’t stop smiling. James was such a great guy, the best she had ever met actually and she was ecstatic that he was her boyfriend and loved her so damn much.

As she walked through the door her father was just getting up, pale and hungry as usual. He scowled, he knew she’d spent the night at a ‘friend’s’ house but had expected her home hours ago, like this morning. “Are you just getting back?” He asked, a seemingly innocent question.
Oops... )
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Sunday, March 23rd, 2008

Pillow talk

Who: James and Poppy.
When: 04:36am
Where: James place
What: James and Poppy spend the night together and things get cute

James woke up without shock or disturbance or surprise. In fact he just woke up and smiled. He looked over to check the time and then over to the perfect woman laid next to him. He rolled over and stroked the hair from her face lightly to look at her peaceful sleeping face. He pressed a soft kiss to her cheek and shuffled out of bed as quietly and with as little movement as possible. He headed towards the bathroom to go to the toilet.
Once he’d washed his hands and closed the door quietly he headed to his kitchen. He yawned waking up a little more and grabbed a chocolate biscuit from his biscuit barrel. After devouring it he grabbed a whole lot more and shoved them in to his face two bottles of water from the fridge. He had a big long drink from one bottle and tossed the empty plastic container away to be recycled and grabbed another bottle out of the fridge. He took the biscuit tin with him and a plate to catch the crumbs and headed back to his room along with two bottles. Turning off the light to the kitchen and then the hall he stepped back in to his room quietly and put the plate down and the two bottles of nice cold water.
He hoped he hadn’t disturbed Poppy, but there was a snack and drink for her now if she woke up. If she felt anything like him after the night they’d had she would need a good drink.
He stretched and checked the radiator. He didn’t want her getting cold. He sat back on the bed and pulled the covers up over her properly and grabbed his pj bottoms slipping them on.
He snuggled down under the covers and sighed happily as he curled his arm around her pressing a soft kiss to the back of her neck.
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