Saturday, May 2nd, 2009

Who: Jordan, OTA
When: 6am
Where: The woods outside of town
What: Jordan joins the Autumn world

It was early when Jordan stumbled out into the Autumn world for the first time. Her sister had woken her, given her hugs and well wishes, then shoved her right out into it with only the clothes on her back. They weren't even her clothes, but the Autumn world clothes her mother had owned, so much more constricting than the fae clothing she was used to. And the tall heels were so impractical for forest walking. They were the first to go, though she carried them in her hand so as not to lose them. She knew not all of this world was forest, and the asphalt humans used looked to be hard to walk on.

She wasn't sure where she'd popped through the veil, so she wandered in the direction that she hoped led to town, looking forward to someplace warm. Mirah had spoken of the cold that gripped their beloved Earth in the Autumn world, but she'd never expected anything like this. Snapping out of her thoughts, she heard a rustle in the woods and hid behind a large oak, peeking out mischievously to see who was there.
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