Saturday, March 21st, 2009

Who: Duncan and Open
When: late night
Where: Outside Confusion’s then the streets of Mysteria
What:Duncan steals a wallet and hunts for his dealer

After leaving a drunken reveller needing stitches Duncan pulled off his balaclava and trotted off down the streets counting out the money he had stolen from the unfortunate man. He tossed the wallet in to a bin and pocketed the notes in his back pocket. He pulled off his gloves and shoved them in to his coat jacket with the balaclava.

He glanced behind him and no one was following, he was even more paranoid than usual after being shot at by what looked like Falk. He had to find some way to get rid of him and Brynner for good.

But right now, he needed a fix!
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Thursday, February 12th, 2009

I'll hate you

Who: Duncan and Procell.
When: 2:30 AM
Where: Duncan's bedsit
What: Duncan comes back to his place after hunting for Falk.
Warning: Language I would say

bad boys run together )
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Sunday, January 4th, 2009

wounded soldier

Who: Duncan and Stefan
When: early morning
Where: Stefan’s squat
What: Duncan wakes up feeling better

Duncan opened his eyes and it took a few moments for him to work out where he was. It wasn’t Indy’s nice soft bed, it was Stefan’s rather lumpy and uncomfortable bed. He sat up looking for his clothes which were on the other side of the room. He had spent the whole night there. The whole night was something rare. Usually Stefan just took-wait, he hadn’t this time around. He let him sleep. Duncan frowned trying to understand this. Stefan was just his dealer yet he had admitted what he was to him. It sent a shiver down his spine and he pulled the blankets back around him and laid back down on his side. He glanced towards the door when he heard it open and felt a cold draft blow over him. “Oh...morning.” He said sitting back up.
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Sunday, December 28th, 2008

Falk lightning

Who: Duncan and Falk (NPC) and Stefan
When: evening
Where: Streets of Mysteria
What: An old friend from New York shows up and Duncan heads to his dealer

Bang, bang you shot me down, bang, bang I hit the ground bang, bang that awful sound, bang, bang my baby shot me down. )
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Sunday, December 7th, 2008

Don't do what I have done

Who: Duncan and Open
When: Close to Midnight.
Where: Park
What: Duncan’s back to his old and wicked self

Something inside the mind of the young man on his knees in the park had snapped. He realised he had made a huge mistake walking out on Indy, but he wasn’t going to go crawling back to him either. So he had to have some way of getting by.

This meant digging up his gun.

He pulled the bag out of the earth and pulled the gun and a few rounds out of it checking them over.

He covered the whole back over and put his gun in to his inside pocket. He stood up and brushed his knees down. He zipped up his shirt and came out from the undergrowth. He had to do something about somewhere to stay now. Somewhere he could hide out.
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Monday, November 10th, 2008

Who: Michele and whoever else happens to be around.
When: Around noon.
Where: Train station coffee shop.
What: Michele arrives in Mysteria.

Michele had taken a train from North Dakota's airport into Mysteria, and she was carrying (or rather, dragging behind her) a moving cart stacked with her all-matching luggage. It was clear to an observer that she intended to stay for quite a while - either that, or she was very high-maintenance.

The former was the truth, though Michele knew how it must look to someone else, especially as her cell phone rang from her pocket. She sighed, pulling the rack behind her to get out of the way of people trying to get by her, and pulled out her phone to answer it.

"Hello? Yes, I just got here. I'm in the center of the station now..."

A frown crossed her delicate features as the conversation went on.

"Twenty minutes? Well, I...all right. Okay. I'll see you soon, then."

Michele sighed, hitting the 'end call' button on her phone and slipping it back into her pocket. She looked around, deciding she might as well get something to eat or drink while she had the time to kill - she was a bit hungry and thirsty after her trip.

So she dragged her luggage cart behind her, in the direction of the cafe.
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Wednesday, October 15th, 2008

looking to score

Who: Duncan, Stefan(if he’s out of jail) Open
When: Late evening
Where: Streets of Mysteria
What: Duncan’s back to his old self.

A mess of a man walked, or more fell in style down the street. He was considerably drunk but looking for something stronger than alcohol. He had done it. He had finally done it. Broken up with Indy and in a way that left Indy angry with Duncan and not upset with himself. It had been hard to do but he had managed to do it at his club and made a fool of himself more than anyone, stumbling in there drunk. But that’s how it had had to be. Indy needed to realize he was beyond hope and get over him. It wasn’t love he felt for Duncan, it was just a pathetic crush. He was sure of it.

But no Duncan was determined not to let himself weaken again and drugs helped that. Kept the memories away and killed him slow enough for him not to notice. So he was out looking to score something good. He’d heard of a prowling drug dealer that was around town. He almost fell over his own feet as he wrestled with a cap on a bottle of rum he’d lifted.
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Thursday, August 28th, 2008

Who: Indy / Duncan / open.
When: 1pm.
Where: Town.
What: Lost lovers? In the lost and found box?.

Duncan, oh Duncan..... )
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Friday, August 22nd, 2008

O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum

Who: Duncan and Open
When: evening
Where: streets of Mysteria
What: Duncan’s managed to escape the hospital.

Duncan had always relied on the dumbness of strangers. Playing sweet and calm he had managed to convince a young impressionable nurse he wasn’t dangerous to himself or others. So she had taken the straps off and he had pretty much left straight away. He didn’t even check himself out. Besides he didn’t have any ID or right to be treated medically in the USA if he had tried to check out he would have invited too many questions.

He’d found his clothing in the room and ran straight down the corridor and found his way out of the hospital. He didn’t have any money and nothing was open so he couldn’t buy any alcohol! He decided to head back to his old place wondering if there was still anything up there. He doubted it though. It wasn’t in a particularly good neighbourhood.

Once he’d gotten up to the room he’d scrambled about underneath the floorboards and got his gun and a few notes of stolen cash. He had found a bottle of vodka in the cistern tank and gone back in to the streets. His old apartment had been totally trashed, looked like it had squatters in it too.

But not he was back on the streets drunk again, easier than usual with having less blood in his body. He didn’t have the bandage on his neck either so the puncture wounds on his neck were clear to all.

Was today Christmas day?
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Thursday, August 14th, 2008

Oh isn't this just fun?

Who: Duncan and Elisa
When: 22:46
Where: Hospital
What: Waking up to find yourself restrained in a hospital bed was never fun.
Tied down to the bed, not in a good way. )
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Monday, August 11th, 2008

Who: Elisa / Duncan / Open.
When: 7am.
Where: Elisa's house.
What: This is for his own good.

I hurt myself today to see if I still feel )
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Wednesday, August 6th, 2008

and the self abuse continues

Who: Duncan and Open
When: 22:47
Where: Last Round
What: Duncan’s getting panicky again
Warning: swearing
It was that time of year again. He just knew Indy would be planning something. Be wanting to spend the day with him. He knew he would have gotten the idea to get him a present or who knows perhaps even a number of gifts.

He was getting twitchy, feeling flighty. Bolting on him would be a good idea. Bolting on this place. On this town would be the smart thing to do. But even though Duncan had brains, he hardly used them other than to outwit his enemies. When it came to being sensible or logical, he usually ran straight in to the path of what could destroy and hurt him.

His self destructive side had him drinking again. Hurting himself and taking painkillers. He was sat at the bar drinking his ninth bottle of beer and mumbling softly to himself in his native tongue. He shook his head, he was struggling with something in himself. He was probably worrying anyone who noticed him.
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Sunday, July 27th, 2008

Who: Indy/Duncan/Open?.
When: 2pm.
Where: His office at his club.
What: Indy is Trying to write Duncan's christmas Card.
Warning: As always with these two, potensial sex talk.

All the little birds down Jaybird Street, Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet )
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Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008

no one touches my man

Who: Duncan and Elena
When: 00:36
Where: Streets of Mysteria
What: Duncan is searching for someone

The cold was biting at Duncan’s cheeks as he stopped on the corner where Indy had been hit. He turned away his stomach turning at the sight of Indy’s blood. Whoever had done this to him would pay!

He crouched down at the patch of blood and turned off the torch he’d been searching with. He slipped it in to his pocket and pulled on the leather gloves tighter to his hands. His coat zipped up completely to save him from the cold.

He had had to wait for Indy to go to sleep before he could slip out. He’d been so desperate for Duncan not to leave. So he hadn’t. It did mean it would be harder to find this guy. Though he was determined to get to him before the cops.
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Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

we should do something! Pray? How about something useful?

Who: Nicola, James, Poppy, Delos, Duncan, Indy and Open
When: 12:24
Where: Nicki’s Delights
What: A normal lunchtimes business is interrupted.

As soon as the lights went out, the worry inside the shop climaxed. Scrabbling in the dark Nicola started to light the Christmas Candles around the café. Luckily she had decorated the place fully. She stood back as the shop was awash in a dim yellow glow.

Tentatively she walked over to the windows, her shop had huge windows on to sides looking out on to the street. She’d shouted everyone in she could from off of the streets her powers going hay wire. Her head throbbed as she got flashes of things happening all around her. She’d gotten so dizzy and faint before the blackout.

Backing away from the windows quickly as in the corner of her eye she spotted movement. She rushed back over towards Delos and clutched at her head. She tensed for a moment before she sat down in a chair near the till.
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Friday, May 16th, 2008

coffee and cigarettes, what else do you need?

Who: Duncan and Open
When: 14:00
Where: small park
What: Duncan is drinking the first fluid he had had that didn’t contain alcohol for four days.

The steam danced upwards in the cold air towards Duncan’s nostrils. He sniffed and got the scent of coffee. He stared in to the deep brown liquid in the paper cup and unfortunately found himself contemplating a rein of terror.

He didn’t like to be sober. His brain started thinking and that was very dangerous. He scratched his chin, he needed a shave. He watched as a dog ran past followed by a little girl. He leant back and lit a cigarette and put his coffee down next to him. He needed cash. He could go and work at Indy’s new place. Stripping wouldn’t be a new thing for him. But he’d have to be in close quarters with Indy. He hadn’t seen him in days. He was intending to keep it that way. It was the only way to make Indy hate him.

He didn’t like how he was changing. He didn’t understand why he was either.

Some mindless and petty crime could put him at ease though. But he needed some cash to get something to eat. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d fed himself.
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Monday, May 12th, 2008

Who: Duncan, Fiona and Neil
When: late afternoon
Where: outside the police station
What: Duncan goes to Fi to find out how much she knows about him and he ends up shattering her world and throwing a kind gesture back in to her face.

Junkie on the prowl )
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Friday, May 2nd, 2008


When: Throughout day
Where:Duncan’s apartment.
What:Duncan returns to the world when his body sobers up.

Holding his chest Duncan coughed violently as he shivered waking again. )
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Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

I hath returned

Who: Duncan and Indy
When: 8:45pm
Where: Indy’s B&B
What: Duncan comes to see Indy after disappearing to jail for the weekend. He thought he’d come up with a decent story to lie to him so he didn’t ask even more uncomfortable questions.

A knock on Indy’s door a rather excited knocking that kept going.

Duncan had been drinking as soon as he’d been released. He’d also bought a whole load of cigarettes and gotten a huge beef burger. But it made him sick. Or that could’ve been the alcohol. He’d returned homing realising just how much he hated that place to grab some cash and get a shower and some clean clothes.

He hammered on the door some more. Wearing his black shirt and busted up worn, but nicely flattering jeans he looked a lot better than he had this morning. Clean shaven too now and his locks were soft and silky. He had no idea how things were going to go with Fiona and their plan. But any chance to destroy Brynner was worth a shot.

Why hadn’t he answered the door yet?!
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Sunday, March 30th, 2008

Well what sort of a deal are we gonna make?

Who: Duncan and Fi.
When: 6pm
Where: Mysteria Police Station.
What: Duncan and Fi come up with a deal to get rid of Brynner once and for all.

“McKellen wants a word with you.” A cop said as she opened the door in to Duncan’s cell.

Looking up, looking like crap, he grunted in response. He hadn’t had anything bad for him in a couple of days. It was really affecting him! He felt like crap.

Being lead to the interview room he spotted it was just Fi inside. He smirked and sat down and the other police officer closed the door leaving the two alone. “I thought you had to have more than a cop and a criminal in a room?” He explained leaning back casually.
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