Saturday, February 14th, 2009

ticking time bomb

Who: James, Poppy, Nicola, Delos, Zar
When: 8pm
Where: Movie Theatre
What: James has a brush with Zar

Well isn't this fun? )
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Monday, January 12th, 2009


Who: Delos and Amy (and Tristan for a shortwhile)
When: 4pm
Where: Earthen Wonders
What: Delos has called Amy in for an interview

Delos walked through the store looking at what he needed to stock up on, aparently Tristan was quite good at selling his goods. Possibly just bewildered people until they bought something. He looked over to her, she was dancing with the sweeping brush. "When you've done cleaning up Tristan you may go, I shall lock up."

"Okay! I gotta get ready for dinner anyway!" Tristan beamed.

"I hope you have a good time."

"Thanks! Oh arn't you interviewing today?!" She said excitedly.

"Yes, I am hoping it will go well. She should be here soon actually." Delosa said and went back to his lists. And Tristan went back to cleaning.
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Tuesday, December 30th, 2008

milkshakes and cookies!

Who: Poppy, James, Nicola, Delos and open to Natalie
When: Closing time
Where: Delights
What: Having fun with the days wasted stock

Poppy flipped the sign to say the little store was closed and went to clean up before the boys arrived, there was plenty of food left and milk that needed using, so they all might as well have a treat.

Delos walked out of his own store after making sure everything was going well with Tristan and over to the charming florist around the corner - even though delights was closer. "Are you ready to go?" He asked James as he stuck his head around the door with a soft smile.
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Monday, December 15th, 2008

Who: Delos and Open
When: Lunch time
Where: The school, teachers lounge
What: Delos is finally getting to know his new job.

Well he had had a very productive day so far. He had hired someone to work in his store so that got to be open properly again, though he still needed at least one more person, but it was a start. Then he had headed over to the school and the principle had shown him around and to his office, currently he would be working there three days a week, which meant he could still work in the store until he got someone else in and make sure things were kept stocked seen as he made almost everything for it himself.

But he figured it was time to get to know the teachers it was their students he would be working with anyhow. He walked through the hall ways to the teachers lounge and knocked on the door before popping his head inside. "Hello?" He said with a shy smile.
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A job you say?

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Sunday, December 7th, 2008

Home sweet home

Who: Nicola and Delos
When: Afternoon
Where: Nicola’s place
What: Delos is fussing and Nicky thinks it’s sweet

As the front door was opened Nicola breathed a sigh of relief. She was up and about and feeling so much better. It was hard to believe she had been so close to death only days ago. But now she was healthy and home!

Nothing was better than being home safe. She turned to Delos and smiled. She leant over and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

Another fantastic thing about surviving this. She had him. Him and a whole new, scary, but wonderful relationship to explore.
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Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008

Who: Ziva open.
When: 5pm.
Where: Hospital.
What: Reading to the sick kids.

Guess the book? )
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Saturday, November 22nd, 2008


Who: Delos, Nicola and open
When: Afternoon
Where: Hospital
What: The vaccine takes effect

Delos was semi awear that he hadn't woken up in a while, and that he hadn't been spirit walking. He'd just been laying there, prone and unable to escape his nightmares. Then something changed, he didn't know what though, but something did, slow at first, he could feel his mind clear and the ache in his body become more prominant. Then all of a sudden there was a rushing feeling, like his spirit being forced back into his body and up.

His eyes shot open and he took a deep breath, he was in pain and he felt very groggy, but he was alive. He knew some his time walking around that it could be very different. of course true to his nature he didn't dwell long on the fact that he was alive he looked around hoping Nicola was there, "Nic?" He croaked.
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Wednesday, October 15th, 2008

Pointless hunt?

Who: Quinton and Open
When: Late Afternoon
Where: Hospital
What: Quinton is hoping to find some clue as to who the poor man who died was

The piles of paper work had finally been dealt with and Quinton felt a weight had been taken off of his shoulders by his boyfriend’s happiness to look after Terry through the day while Quinton was at work. It meant he could have a bit of extra cash to start putting in to a savings account for Terry when he got older.
Now was a time for work. )
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Wednesday, October 8th, 2008

Help! Doc!

Who: Nicola, Delos and Open
When: Mid-Morning
Where: Hospital
What: Delos has finally decided he and Nicola need a doctor

He could hardly believe they had slept for a whole day, at least he thought it was a day he couldn't be sure. He was groggy and disorientated, but had left several messages. To the school to say he was sick and couldn't come into work if he was meant to be starting today, and to James to say he was talking Nicola to the hospital.

He had fallen asleep several times in the cab on the way there, while trying to keep Nicola awake too. he was so tired, and sickly he could brealy breath for the mucus. He felt three times worse than he had two days ago and aparently using his abilities hadn't really helped Nicola at all.

As the cab stopped he gently helped Nicola out of the car, paid the driver and walked into the hospital and up to the receptionist. "Excuse me, we need to see a doctor." He said as polite as ever.
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Thursday, September 25th, 2008

Muscus attack

Who: Nicola and Delos?/Open
When: 20:00
Where: Nicky’s home
What: Nicola’s very, very ill now

Curtains closed, heating on and the lights were off. Nicola was underneath her covers and feeling utterly terrible. She was feverish, shiving and sweating at the same time. She should probably have headed to the hospital as she was becoming dangerously dehydrated but she wasn't really aware of that. She just felt terrible and wanted to sleep for days. She was drifting in and out. When she was awake she felt completely wretched. Aching limbs, puffy eyes, blocked everything and yet her nose was dripping uncontrollably. The anitibiotics had not been helping and her herbal remidies didn’t help either. Over the counter medicine wasn't making any difference. No matter what she did she was no getting better and there was a sense of something terrible happening around her. Her head throbbed continuously. She didn't even realise it had gotten to New Years eve already. Her days had merged in to sleep and no sleep under her covers. Turnip was curled at the bottom of her bed whimpering slightly.

She hadn't been in to work in how many days had it been? She couldn't think. About anything, her mind was just swirling from random strings of thought to another random string, going off on tangents and getting confused. She curled up a little more huddling a pillow to her stomach which was churning. She felt like she was spinning all around whilst being firmly on her bed. Oh she just wanted some more sleep! Why was there everyone making noises? Was that the door? Had she even locked the door?

Turnip lept off of the bed and ran to the front door barking excitedly scratching at the door as there was another knock.
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Saturday, September 13th, 2008


Who: Boon, James, Ash, Delos, Quinton, Robin
When: Late night
Where: Last Round
What: James in his drunken innocence draws mostly strangers to him and gets them drunk, because it's fun!

Let the madness commence )
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Tuesday, September 9th, 2008

coughs and sneezles spread diseasels!

Who: Delos and Open
When: Early Morning
Where: Outside earthen wonders
What: Delos is sick but refuses not to open his shop

It was very early, but like almost every morning Delos was there to open the shop. He really didn’t feel very well, he was very hot and sweaty and kept sneezing. As he pulled one of the shutters up he suddenly had a coughing fit, it hurt his ribs. Obviously he had been coughing throughout the night, which is probably why he was so tired. This was quite new for Delos, he didn’t get sick often, but at least it was just a cold. Sniffling he moved to the next shutter then he could unlock the door and make tea!
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Thursday, August 21st, 2008

Who: Poppy, James, Nicola, Delos
When: Evening
Where: Poppy's house
What: James and Poppy host a evening in and invite Delos and Nicola around for the evening

Read more... )
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Saturday, August 16th, 2008

Because at Christmas you tell the truth

Who: Delos and Nicola
When: 13.30
Where: Nicola's home
What: Delos has come to give Nicola a small gift

Delos had spent some time thinking over the last few days, well he wasn't sleeping too well so he may as well think. He had his store, which he really needed to get someone in for, and after the holidays he was going to work as the high schools counsellor and it was about time he told the woman of his dreams he liked her! Because it was Christmas and at Christmas you tell the truth... he'd seen that in a movie somewhere he was sure of it.

So he walked almost confidently towards Nicola's home, now all he needed to do was not stutter and not giggle like a school girl and all would be fine. Unless she didn't like him, that would be bad. And then he'd embarrass himself and then possibly die... Nope those were bad thoughts, only good ones were allowed. He could do this. He was such a looser.

Of course had he known about the sickness that had entered town the night before and that Nicola had been close to it he may be bringing her soup and blankets instead, just incase. But he didn't so he brought a single large, long, wild red rose, with with white and red ribbon cross crossed up the stem ending in a bow half way up.

He took a deep breath, moment of truth, hide one hand containing the rose behind his back and knocked on the door. He could still run away right!?
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Monday, July 7th, 2008


Who: Delos
When: Morning
Where: His home
Delos gets mail and it’s really good mail!

Delos walked to the door as the postman shoved the mail through his letter box. He looked through it, bills, bills, more bills. Oh something from the university. He opened it and read it, a smile growing as he did.

The letter was congratulating him on receiving his PHD in psychology, of course he’d actually have to go collect it, but this home learning stuff was pretty good, he’d managed it and got the degree with honours. Now all he needed to do was go approach the school and try and get a job with them as their counsellor oh and find someone to take care of the shop when he wasn’t there. He was pleased, he was now Dr. Delos Vir, and had things to do, places to go and people to see. But first, breakfast!
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Sunday, June 15th, 2008

Back to normal?

Who: James, Poppy, Nicola, Delos
When: 2 pm
Where: Delight’s
What: Three stores have closed in Mysteria for their dinner and have congregated to discuss the happenings of yesterday.

Nicola sat on a small wooden chair drawing in to the some flour on the table top. She wasn’t too sure of what to say. She was waiting for Delos. Oh and James. But Delos. She blushed just thinking about him. He was so gentle. So sweet. But such power. Such majesty.

She looked up at Poppy, “You have an amazing skill with technology.” She finally spoke. “Would you not get more money working somewhere using that skill?”
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Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

we should do something! Pray? How about something useful?

Who: Nicola, James, Poppy, Delos, Duncan, Indy and Open
When: 12:24
Where: Nicki’s Delights
What: A normal lunchtimes business is interrupted.

As soon as the lights went out, the worry inside the shop climaxed. Scrabbling in the dark Nicola started to light the Christmas Candles around the café. Luckily she had decorated the place fully. She stood back as the shop was awash in a dim yellow glow.

Tentatively she walked over to the windows, her shop had huge windows on to sides looking out on to the street. She’d shouted everyone in she could from off of the streets her powers going hay wire. Her head throbbed as she got flashes of things happening all around her. She’d gotten so dizzy and faint before the blackout.

Backing away from the windows quickly as in the corner of her eye she spotted movement. She rushed back over towards Delos and clutched at her head. She tensed for a moment before she sat down in a chair near the till.
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Friday, May 9th, 2008

learning is fun!

Who:James and Poppy, then Delos and Nicola too
When: about 6.30
Where: James’ place
What: Delos and Nicola have come too teach James a few things

”Warning )
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Tuesday, May 6th, 2008

A detour?

Who: Delos and Nicola
When: Just after 6pm
Where: Nicki’s Delights and the street
What: Delos arrives to walk Nicola home and to hopefully get her to come with him to James’ first.

So once again as he had promised Delos walked down the street and across the road to Nicki’s delights to walk Nicola home. But he had plans for tonight so if he could he wanted to get Nicola on board too, then he would still walk her home later. He walked in the door and looked around, smiling as he saw Nicola. “Hello, a-are you r-r-r-ready?” He asked.
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