Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

Who: Brooke, Anna, Connor
When: Late Evening.
Where: Pack lands.
What: Anna has a vision/nightmare and Brooke takes her to see her uncle Connor.

Something was going on in Mysteria. Brooke didn't have to listen to the news or talk to the other people in town to know that. All she had to do was listen to the increase in Anna's screams as she had nightmare after nightmare. It was too the point that Anna was sleeping in bed with Brooke so that Brooke didn't have far to go when her daughter woke up screaming.

Jason has wandered off again, though Anna assured Brooke he'd be back, and that left Brooke trying to run the ranch and take care of Anna. This time the nightmare that Anna had was so bad that the girl had refused to go back to sleep. Wrapping her daughter in a blanket and picking her up, Brooke carried her out to the truck and placed her in the passenger seat before getting in herself. She put the truck into gear and headed to the first place she could think of: Connor's.
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Wednesday, May 13th, 2009

If You Invite a Wolf to Dinner

Who: Jeremy, Harper, Brian, Isabel, Connor, Max, Casey, Sophia, Brooke, and Anna.
When: 6pm.
Where: Jeremy's Cabin.
What: Harper fixes Sunday dinner.

Harper had been on a cooking rampage lately and had decided to bring the Alphas and Betas and their mates together for dinner. Jeremy had the biggest cabin so she had taken over his kitchen to cook with everyone gathering later to eat. Everyone was starting to roll in as Harper was chasing her brother out of the kitchen...again.

"Jeremy Caine I swear if you don't get out of this kitchen and leave the food alone that I'm going to whack you with a frying pan," Harper threatened as she smacked Jeremy's hands out of a bowl.

"Aww, come on Harp. Just a little nibble."

"No! Now go do something constructive like set the table."
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Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

All the Pretty Horses

Who: Brooke, Anna (NPC), Jason, and OTA
When: Late Afternoon
Where: Broken Shoe Ranch
What: There's a new addition to the farm.

Brooke had allowed Anna to miss school today so that she could go along with her to the live stock action a couple towns over. As she pulled the truck up the drive, she was wishing she hadn't. Both girls climbed out of the truck and went around to the horse trailer that was hooked up to it. Brooke opened the back doors and just stood there staring at what was in it like it was the strangest thing in the world. On the flip side, little Anna was staring at the animal like it was the greatest thing in the world.

"All the horses are going to be laughing at him," Brooke pointed out. "It's like a dog with hooves."
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Friday, December 5th, 2008

Gone Hunting

Who: Brooke & Connor
When: Afternoon and on
Where: The woods and then outside Mysteria
What: The beta wolves go check out the building Kate found.

After saying her goodbyes to Jason and Anna, Brooke had gotten in her truck to drive out to the cabins. Pulling up in front of Connor's cabin, she hopped out and headed up the porch. There wasn't a need to stop and see Jeremy. They knew what they were to do. Her knuckles rapped on the door.
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Thursday, December 4th, 2008

Who: Brooke and Jason
When: Early Afternoon
Where: Broken Shoe Ranch
What: Brooke is being sent on a mission with Connor and needs to leave for a day or two.

Brooke had just gotten off the phone with Jeremy. She couldn't say she was surprised given what Kate had said last night but still she wasn't looking forward to leaving for a couple days. Especially since it meant leaving Jason and Anna alone with each other. Sliding her hat back on, she wandered out of the house and out towards the barn to find Jason.
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Thursday, November 13th, 2008

Ever get to the point where you're so tired that everything's funny?

Who: Natalie (OTA)
When: Afternoon
Where: Broken Shoe Ranch
What: She's attempting to stay out of the dreamworld for a change.

Okay, so maybe not so much this time. )
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Friday, August 22nd, 2008


Who: Brooke, Jason, Anna
When: Early Morning
Where: The ranch
What: Christmas morning stuff.

Replace with quote. )
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Monday, August 18th, 2008

Bad Moon Rising

Who: The Pack
When: Just before the moon is fully up.
Where: The pack lands
What: The pack gathers for a run.

It was cold out. You wouldn't know it from the looks of those gathered around. Jeremy was standing around in nothing but sweat pants and some house slippers. The cold didn't bother him much. The moon would be up soon and his skin felt like it was fire. The pack around him was dressed much the same.

His eyes searched the group looking for Sophia. It would be her first night running free on a full moon and he wanted to make sure that she stayed close.
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Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008

Who: Meadow, Brooke
When: 3 ish
Where: Brooke's farm/ranch/pony place
What: Meadow hears a pony...

Allowed to roam free in the weeks before school, Meadow was eager to explore her new home. And with Matty, she could see twice as many places in the same amount of time! And there were so many animals to meet, it was hard to get places. So, when she stumbled into a ranch, she just had to go say hi.

Wandering in the barn, she reached out to pet the noses of the curious horses who looked out. She greeted them gently, then walked to the stall without a head peeking out of it. His nameplate read Odin, and he seemed content with the name when she ask him. "Hi," she whispered softly, letting herself in and sitting at his hooves. "I'm Meadow. You're awful pretty. I bet you run fasht." She kept talking in a low voice to the stallion, telling him about her siblings and mother, and how lonely she was without her daddy.
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Tuesday, June 24th, 2008

Why Do You Do the Things You Do?

Who: Brooke and Jason
When: Afternoon
Where: The Ranch
What: Jason is having to repair the stairs and Brooke is cleaning out the storage place under them.

Two days after they had gotten destroyed the stairs were finally getting fixed. First there was getting the materials. Then there had been repairing the door. Both of which Brooke had grumbled about. Right now she was moving boxes out of the storage space under the stairs so that she could clean out the debris that had fallen in there. "No more going Babe the Big Blue ox in the house," Brooke grumbled at Jason.

For the most part things had seemed to go back to normal. Anna had claimed down. After the sun had came back she had stopped screaming and she hadn't had a nightmare since. With the snow storm going on out side, Brooke had bundled Anna up and sent her out to play while they tried to get the house fixed.
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Monday, May 26th, 2008

They Only Come Out at Night

Who: Brooke, Jason, Anna, and Open
When: 12:12pm
Where: The ranch
What: Everyone is out working with the horse when the eclipse hits.

Brooke was out with Odin when the eclipse hit. At first she didn't think anything about it. It was just an eclipse right? It wasn't usual for those things to happen. Still it seemed like a good idea to put up Odin anyway. He could get a bit testy when it came to change. Dark in the middle of the afternoon was a big change. Especially when it didn't seem to be passing over. That was a bit odd. Weren't these things supposed to just pass? There one minute, gone the next? She didn't think anything about what had been lurking in the dark until she heard Anna scream.

Anna hadn't gone to school. She had a bad night last night with her dreams and Brooke was now wondering if this was way. Hopping back up on Odin, Brooke went racing in the direction that she had heard the scream.
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Thursday, May 8th, 2008

Two words: moving sucks.

Who: Natalie and OPEN
When: Around noon
Where: Broken Shoe Ranch
What: Looking for a room?

A horse ranch? Really? )
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Saturday, April 26th, 2008

Who: Merric, Morgan, Brooke, Anna, & Jason
When: Dinner Time
Where: Brokenshoe Ranch
What: Morgan joins the ranch family for dinner. Hilarity insues.

Merric walked down the stairs to the kitchen with Morgan, his shoulders tight. She wasn't wearing pants. He tried to get her to wear pants, but she insisted his boxers were enough. He had at least gotten her into one of his flannels. But she wasn't wearing any pants.

He hoped Jason didn't say anything. He didn't want to kick his ass in front of Anna. Little girls didn't need to see such things. Maybe he'd kick his ass in the barn later.

He smelled dinner. The smell of meat made him growl. After sex he always craved meat. And sex with his beautiful mate was always amazing. "Evenin', ya'll." he said as they entered the kitchen. "This is my girlfriend Morgan. She came by for the evenin'. Hope that's alright."
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Sunday, April 13th, 2008

Dreams and Brownies

Who: Brooke, Merric, Anna
When: Early Afternoon
Where: Brokenshoe Ranch
What: Anna talks to Meric about her nightmares and then there's brownies!

Merric turned a little red and coughed.  )
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Wednesday, January 30th, 2008

Oh TV Gods

Who: Jason, Brooke, Anna
When: Evening
Where: Brokenshoe Ranch
What: Brooke asks Jason to watch Anna. A fight for the remote soon follows

I'm not weird. I don't pray to the tv. )
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Sunday, December 16th, 2007

Who: Jason and Brooke
When: Noon
Where: Winchester Farm
What: Brooke and Jason dicuss delicate matters, such as the fact that he shoots blanks.
Status: Complete

You don’t have to worry about me trying to anything frisky with them. I might turn into a bullman but I’m not that messed up yet )
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Monday, December 10th, 2007


Who: Brooke and Jason
When: Late Night
Where: Winchester Farm
What: Jason runs into Brooke in the kitchen and the two end up talking about the past.

Holy shit you're Babe the Big Blue Ox )
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Oprah to the rescue! Kind of.

Who: Brooke and Teddy.
When: November 13, 2007. Around late afternoonish.
Where: The Parker residence.
What: Brooke needs someone to talk to, Teddy likes Oprah, and there are revelations about noodles and peanut butter.
Status: Complete

'So, what's up? I know you didn't just come here for the amazing cuisine we Parkers offer.' )
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Sunday, December 9th, 2007

New Old Meetings

Who: Brooke and Jason, brief appearance by Anna
When: Afternoon
Where: Winchester ranch
What: Jason shows up at Brooke's place looking for work, not remembering the two had meet before.
Status: Complete

Ow. Okay, I guess I deserved that  )
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