Monday, December 29th, 2008

Who: Aaron OTA.
When: Early Evening.
Where: Coffee shop.
What: Aaron isn't feeling so well.

Achey breaky leg )
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Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008

Who: Aaron / OTA.
When: Midday.
Where: His office.
What: Still feeling under the weather.

Coughs and sneezes...... )
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Sunday, November 9th, 2008

Who: Aaron OTA.
When: Midmorning.
Where: The hospital cafeteria.
What: About to be sent home.

I don't feel so..... )
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Tuesday, October 21st, 2008

Feeding the starving masses...

Who: Estelle & Open To All
When: Late Afternoon, edging toward evening
Where: Grocery Store
What: What one usually does in a grocery store, shopping for groceries

With an unexpected influx of sick guests descending on Morgan's house, Estelle had suddenly found her kitchen rather understocked.

Heading to the grocery store, she began shopping, walking through the aisles with quick efficiency, gathering everything she'd need for several days worth of meals for several people. Her cart was stacked high with enough food for a small army, she had way more than she could possibly carry home on her moped, but fortunately, one of Morgan's guests, Nadia, had lent her the keys to her jeep.

In the fresh produce section Elle finally slowed, this being one area she was never careless in. Standing among the stacks of fresh vegetables, she was carefully selecting onions while she mentally planned several days worth of meals.
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Thursday, October 2nd, 2008

Spinning around and around and... around.

Who: Cian [Open]
When: Mid-day
Where: Mysteria Medical Center
What: He's sick. Which isn't normal for Cian.

Head is swimming but there's no water. Odd. )
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Thursday, September 25th, 2008


Who: Zar and Open
When: close to midnight
Where: streets of Mysteria
What: Zar is looking for people to abuse

Zar was wandering the streets looking for party goers. Drunken party goers mainly. They were so much fun to play with. Breaking minds and playing with people would be so much easier when her Movie Theatre opened in a couple of days, then she would simply have to step out in to her foyer and there would be her idiotic public. How simple things would be then.

But tonight she wanted to watch the little people ring in the new year and maybe cause a riot if things went the right way.
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Thursday, August 28th, 2008

Who: Aaron/Open.
When: Lunch time ish.
Where: The hospital.
What: Aarons fishing for Gossip.

We'll have more happy ever afters, I hope )
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Friday, August 22nd, 2008

O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum

Who: Duncan and Open
When: evening
Where: streets of Mysteria
What: Duncan’s managed to escape the hospital.

Duncan had always relied on the dumbness of strangers. Playing sweet and calm he had managed to convince a young impressionable nurse he wasn’t dangerous to himself or others. So she had taken the straps off and he had pretty much left straight away. He didn’t even check himself out. Besides he didn’t have any ID or right to be treated medically in the USA if he had tried to check out he would have invited too many questions.

He’d found his clothing in the room and ran straight down the corridor and found his way out of the hospital. He didn’t have any money and nothing was open so he couldn’t buy any alcohol! He decided to head back to his old place wondering if there was still anything up there. He doubted it though. It wasn’t in a particularly good neighbourhood.

Once he’d gotten up to the room he’d scrambled about underneath the floorboards and got his gun and a few notes of stolen cash. He had found a bottle of vodka in the cistern tank and gone back in to the streets. His old apartment had been totally trashed, looked like it had squatters in it too.

But not he was back on the streets drunk again, easier than usual with having less blood in his body. He didn’t have the bandage on his neck either so the puncture wounds on his neck were clear to all.

Was today Christmas day?
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Monday, August 18th, 2008

Who: Stefan and Open
When: Late night
Where: The streets
What: Stefan is full of Christmas cheer! …or not.

Stefan wasn’t sure about what time it was, he remembered it getting dark but not much else. He’d got an bought two bottles of absinth tonight and he was halfway down the second. Well, when I say bought I mean stolen.

He sat with his back to the wall of some building, bottle in hand. He lifted it to his lips and delighted as the burning liquid ran down his throat. So it was Christmas again, he didn’t usually take note of the date, but this was hard to miss.

It wasn’t exactly his favourite time of year, not only because he was a demon but it brought back some of his worst childhood memories, things he’d thought he’d forgotten, or tried to. He was a dark moment amongst a flare of Christmas cheer; it didn’t sit well with him all these people pretending to be happy just because they were supposed to be. After all they couldn’t actually be happy, why would it make someone feel that way? It only made him more miserable.

He had seen some people singing and generally being happy, he didn’t understand it all really. “Heh, Merry fucking Christmas…” He muttered to someone walking past as he drank from his bottle again. Maybe he could set that tree in the centre of town alight, give them a Christmas show to remember?
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Tuesday, August 12th, 2008

Who: Aaron / Open.
When: 13:00.
Where: Outside the Hospital.
What: This Doctor really needs to find a life.

A bad idea? )
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Saturday, August 9th, 2008

Oh dear?

Who: Poppy and Aaron
When: early afternoon
Where: The hospital
What: Poppy goes to get from results and can’t decide if it’s good news or not.

Poppy had cut work early today, she hadn’t wanted to but she had a call from the doctor that she should go to the hospital because her test results were in. That was fast, she’d only had the blood tests a few days ago, oh well, and she assumed it was just easier to send her to the hospital.

She went and sat in the waiting room, she hated hospitals. Why was she hear, she only felt a bit off? Nothing to worry about right?
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Thursday, August 7th, 2008

Who: Aaron, gideon, hope, irene
When: 5pm
Where: Where else? the Hospital.
What: Aaron's getting bad vibes from Somewhere
Posting Order: Aaron, Hope, Gideon, Irene (in and out),

Looks like you're not happy, 'Less I open a vein. )
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Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

Hello hello hello

Who: Hope & Aaron
When: Morning
Where: Hospital
What: Dr. Cale and Dr. Elks become Hope and Aaron.

Am I speaking Japanese? )
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Friday, July 18th, 2008

Nobody wants to be loney

Who: Elena & Open
Where: Around town
When: Early Afternoon
What: Lonely without Seth, Elena once again sneaks out to look for him.

My body's longing to hold you, so bad it hurts inside )
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Monday, July 7th, 2008

burn baby burn!

Who: Stefan and open
When: 9pm
Where: The church
What: Stefan is trying to get rid of the church, which is difficult when you can’t get close

There was manic laughter as Stefan poured gasoline on the path towards the church. He had already scattered wood, paper, and anything else flammable he could get his hands on onto the grounds. They weren’t in any order, just thrown and now he was dumping gas on as much as he could without actually stepping into the grounds. Nope, that would be painful. He laughed more as emptied the canister. “haha! Gonna burn, it’s all gonna burn… Yes, yes!” He rubbed his hands together after throwing the canister into the grounds too then went searching for his lighter to light the rag in his hand. So much fun! He was possibly high.
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Monday, June 23rd, 2008

Who: Aaron.
When: Lunch.
Where: Home.
What: Making sweets.

Suger, Bicarb, Syrup, yum )
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Tuesday, June 10th, 2008

The Plan in Action

Who: Gideon and Everyone from the bar scene and teen scene, plus a few others. Just look at the tags will ya!
When: Still during the eclipse
Where: The Last Round
What: Gideon returns to The Last Round with the teens and the plan is set into motion.

Getting back to the bar had to have been the most nerve racking few minutes of Gideon's whole life. He had flown over head of the cars, chasing back any shades that might try and get near them. The whole time he was afraid that the car Bridgette was in was going to crash. It was probably a fear without reason but he couldn't help it anyway. As soon as they reached The Last Round, Gideon yelled for the door to be opened while gesturing for the kids to run.

Soon the bar as a full as it would have been during opening hours. As soon as the door closed behind them, Gideon let his wings disappear back into his back while he looked around the room. No one had gotten ate it seemed. Not only that but it looked like they had been busy why he was gonna. He could see Casey and Sophia filling up...were those squirt guns? Yeah, they were squirt guns. As soon as they filled one, Ash would bless it.

In another section of the bar he noticed a few people taking out blacklights and replacing them with a white one. Gideon could only assume they were uv ones. Both were good ideas and from the activity in the room it appeared that it hadn't been all Casey getting things ready. "So are we having a white t-shirt contest or planning to kick some ass?" Gideon's arm went around Bridgette's shoulders and he pulled her against his side. It wasn't over yet and he didn't want to let her go until it was.
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Monday, May 26th, 2008

Ground Zero

Who: Gideon and Open to All
When: 12:10pm
Where: The Last Round
What: The employees of The Last Round are doing inventory when the eclipse hits. Gideon opens the door to The Last Round to any who wish to hide inside.

For it being just a little after noon on a week day, The Last Round was hopping. Okay, not really hopping but there was more people in it than usual. More people and more booze. Both were due to the fact that inventory was having to be done for the books. While The Last Round was there for a reason, it was still a bar and still a business. That meant it had to be kept up like one. So Gideon had hauled his employees in to help. After all, he wasn't going to do it all himself.

He was just coming out of the back room with another case when he notice it was starting to get dark outside the window. Setting the box down, Gideon went over to check it out. Who had ordered a solar eclipse? He didn't recall hearing about one. That alone told this was not going to be a good day. As long as people stayed inside they'd be safe. Bridgette was at school. So was Irene. That meant that neither one of them had a reason to go outside.

"You guys stay inside," he told the room, before going over and opening the door, looking for anyone who might be out on the streets.
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Tuesday, May 20th, 2008

Who: Aaron and Open.
When: Lunch time.
Where: MacDonalds.
What: Aaron's feeling a little under the weather.

Fever - till you sizzle, what a lovely way to burn )
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Friday, May 16th, 2008

Delightful sickness

Who: Stefan and Open
When: starting at about 11pm, and several hours after.
Where: The Hospital
What: Stefan is having fun at the hospital and showing those damn shades just what he can do.

Stefan had been waiting outside the hospital since visiting hours had finished for a male nurse to step outside for a fag or whatever. He’d only been a young man, but now he was dead, quite horribly butchered and thrown in the trash, after being hit on the head and his clothes stolen.

Stefan found it quite easy to slink around dressed like he was, no one asked questions, but then he didn’t stop long enough to be seen properly. Once again he was sober, but he didn’t need drugs or alcohol tonight, oh no, he had the best high of all. Suffering.

He started off small wondering into a ward and giving a few patients various hospital super bugs; they would spread fast in the panic. He’d give a few more people them through out the hospital. Then he moved onto things like very bad chicken pox, measles and the like. With a cackle he added the plague in there, and small box, polio legionnaires disease. Things that would spread and fast and then they would just be time bombs; he’d given most of them more advanced diseases. It was draining to him, but he’d go on until he just collapsed because what it was doing to him, it would do so much worse to his brother who would rush to the rescue. He’s make sure there was too much.

One of the patients was awake. He put a clawed finger up to his mouth. “Shhh.” The man was transfixed looking into the black, dead eyes. “I said I’d show them, whose weak now? I could kill you all.” He said in a hushed whisper. Then poked at the man. There was a darkness from the man’s eyes that spread to cover them then went. Bird flu for him, oh yes. He chuckled to himself and kept moving.

He was practically giddy as he neared the end of the hospital, paying particular attention to the maternity ward. It was all so glorious. He had given out almost every disease he could think of, or at least the worse he could think of. He was exhausted. He slipped out of the hospital again discarding the uniform and staggered off towards home laughing quietly to himself all the way.
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