Mysteria OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Mysteria OOC

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[28 Mar 2009|04:09pm]
Hello people out there!

I have a request for you fine, fine folk. I've got my creative drawing urge back and currently, my pics aren't looking too bad! However, I have run out of ideas to draw.

So this is my request. If any of you have an idea for a funny picture of any characters, character interactions, wierd scenerios...? I've just had a drawing block I want to work through!

So if you have any ideas, let me know! I'll give it a shot and then I'll post it up for you to have a look at what you helped with!

Thanks ye muchly!

Hope you're all well out there!
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[ viewing | March 28th, 2009 ]
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