mutant haven. - April 12th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
mutant haven.

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April 12th, 2010

text messages. [Apr. 12th, 2010|09:14 am]
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TO: Sebastian
FROM: Warren

I need you to call in all of the staff that were working on Saturday night. I'll be there in a couple of hours.

TO: Madeline
FROM: Warren

I need a favor.
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voicemail. [Apr. 12th, 2010|03:52 pm]
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Summary: Betsy leaves Jean a series of messages on her voicemail.

I just want to know you're safe. )
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text message. [Apr. 12th, 2010|08:48 pm]
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TO: Regan Wyngarde
FROM: Sebastian Shaw

I need you to round up the employees that were working on Saturday night to be at the club in a few hours. Clear out VIP and have them meet there, even if they are currently on shift. Warren and I'll be there in a couple hours.
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