February 24th, 2013

[info]lost_my_shoe in [info]museful


A meme for those minor injuries that won't leave you down but make it hard to live your life. The breaks, sprains, and the hurt/comfort that comes with them.

⇥ Post with your character (note the name and fandom and any preferences in the subject line).
↠ You or the people replying roll once for type of injury and again for the scenario or pick your own.
↠ Have fun.


1. SPRAIN: you stepped the wrong way, twisted the wrong way, and something has gone terribly wrong. Just remember RICE - Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.

2. FRACTURE: You step off the sidewalk, working in the backyard, and suddenly BAM!! But it's not a sprain, oh no, you're in a cast for the duration. Good luck trying to get to work.

3. PULLED: It's not bad enough for medical attention but it still hurts something fierce. Break out the tiger balm or someone to give you a hand because you've pulled something. That awkward moment when you think you want vicodin...and nobody will give it to you.

4. MIGRAINE: Light hurts, air hurts, moving hurts. All you can do is lie in a darkened room and pray for the pounding pain to go away behind your eyes.

5. THE FLU: Maybe you're physically fine – well… all your limbs are working. You just feel like death warmed over.

6. WILDCARD: Anything else you can think of.


1. INJURED! WHAT NEXT?: You're out working, you're out having fun, you're out doing something when suddenly you step, twist, move and our bodies demonstrate just how fragile they really are. Quick! someone call the ambulance!

2. THE EMERGENCY ROOM: All the fun of a waiting room with rewards that include crutches, casts, X-Rays, vicodin, and sometimes just that one nurse who says "Yeah there's nothing wrong with you that'll be 400 dollars."

3. HOME AND SETTING UP THE NEST: Hurt, trying to make a space for you to get around. Hopefully someone is there to help you get to your crutches so you can go to the bathroom and make yourself something to eat.

4. PHYSICAL THERAPY HOME EDITION: The obligatory smut option. Do you not see that I'm wearing this cast?

5. OH GOD HELP I'M GOING TO DIE: That awkward moment when the fact that you are bedridden is crushing down on you and you're terrified you'll do something to make the injury worse. Snappish, angry, and rude - who are you going to take it out on?

6. DRIVE ME TO THE DOCTOR THIS SHIT IS COMING OFF: It's time, they say you can come in, take it off, and begin the next stage of recovery. Failing that, you’re going to grab a saw and cut the damn thing off yourself! Will there be joy, laughter, crying, happiness?

7. WILDCARD: Anything else you can think of.

Based on this meme from Baker Street @ DW.