Monday, December 21st, 2009

Winter Solstice

1) Does anyone keep track of the movements of the planets?

2) Does anyone follow an earth-based religion?

3) If you have religions inside, are any based on the planet, the stars, or the weather?

4) Does anyone do anything special out front to mark the longest night of the year?

5) Is there anyone who likes the nighttime better than the daytime?
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Monday, December 7th, 2009


1) Who is most likely to deal with returns or customer service?

2) Is anyone a bargain hunter?

3) Who is most likely to go shopping?

4) Is there anyone who will not go shopping?

5) Who is the most patient shopper?
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Monday, November 30th, 2009

Do the front runners prefer...

1) a quiet night at home or a noisy party?

2) a long night's sleep or lots of time up late even if they need to get up early?

3) time to read or time to watch a movie?

4) a yummy dessert or a delicious main course?

5) a perfect cup of coffee or a perfect cup of tea?
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Saturday, November 28th, 2009

The Holiday Season

1) What are the front runners favorite traditional holiday foods?

2) Do people like to go to other people's houses for holidays or do they prefer to stay at home?

3) Does anyone boycott holidays out front?

4) Do any of the front runners have traditions they invented for the holidays?

5) If people could only be out front for one holiday each year which one would they choose?
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Monday, November 16th, 2009

Which front runner

Which front runner:

1) would be the most likely to wear something completely out of character for the front?

2) would be the most likely to tell a stranger that the body is plural?

3) would be the least likely to watch a show about multiplicity?

4) would be least likely to want to meet another plural in person?

5) would be the most dependable if there was a crisis out front?
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Monday, November 2nd, 2009


1) Do any of the front runners vote?

2) Do you have in-house elections?

3) Would any of the front runners ever consider running for public office? Who?

4) Would it bother any of the front runners to live in a country where there was no voting? If people live in a country with no voting, would it be strange to move to one where voting was the norm?

5) What was the last issue the front runners had a strong opinion about?
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Monday, October 26th, 2009

Happy Halloween

1) What is/are the front runners' favorite candies?

2) Which front runner would be most likely to go trick-or-treating?

3) Do any of the front runners like scary movies?

4) Do any of the front runners like to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters?

5) If the front runners could each pick a costume to wear, who would be wearing what?
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Monday, October 19th, 2009

The Paranormal

1) Does anyone believe s/he has paranormal abilities?

2) Are what would be considered paranormal abilities out front normal abilities inside?

3) Have any of the front runners ever experienced something out of the ordinary/paranormal(like ghosts)?

4) If your house/apartment was haunted, what kind of creature would be haunting it?

5) If something weird happened, who would be most likely to find a rational reason why some paranormal event seemed to be occurring?
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Monday, October 12th, 2009

It's Columbus Day in the U.S.

1)If people could go off exploring, who would go?

2) What kind of treasure do people think is worth leaving home to find?

3) Who would finance people on their explorations?

4) How would people travel around (boat/plane/car/other)?

5) What is the greatest discovery anyone in the household/system has ever made?
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Monday, October 5th, 2009

The Farm Share

1) If the front runners were vegetables which ones would they be?

2) If people had to pick one food to represent everyone what would that be?

3) What if the front runners were fruits? Which fruits would they be?

4) What fruit would represent everyone?

5) What one food, if there is one, does every front runner eat?
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Monday, September 28th, 2009


1) Do any of the front runners think of themselves as selfish? Would the other front runners agree with this?

2) Do any of the front runners think of themselves as generous? Would the other front runners agree with this?

3) Pick a front runner other than yourself and write three traits he or she posses.

4) Is there any front runner that would describe him/herself as an extrovert? Would the other front runners agree with this?

5) Is there any front runner that would describe him/herself as an introvert? Would the other front runners agree with this?
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Monday, September 21st, 2009


1) What is the last thing you fought with each other about?

2) How was the issues resolved or is it still unresolved?

3) Do people typically take sides in internal arguments?

4) What is the most commonly fought over thing that occurs in the front?

5) Who is most likely to come up with a solution/compromise for internal disagreements?
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Monday, September 14th, 2009

Got Game?

1) If the front runners formed a sports team, what sport would would they play?

2) Who would be the manager?

3) What position would each front runner play?

4) What color would the uniforms be?

5) What would your mascot be?
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Monday, September 7th, 2009

Labor Day (In the U.S. anyway)

1) Have the any of front runners ever been union members?

2) Do you anything like unions inside?

3) Have any of the front runners ever worked for a union? Which one(s)?

4) If the front runners formed a union, what would their demands be and who would they demand them from?

5) If the people who don't front (if there are any) formed a union, what would their demands be and who would they demand them from?
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Monday, August 24th, 2009

Anger Management

1) Who is the most likely to get angry?

2) What makes the front mad?

3) Who is most likely to front when something angers the front runners?

4) How do people express their anger?

5) Do people tend to hold onto anger or just let it go?
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Monday, August 17th, 2009

On a Whim

1) Is anyone spontaneous? Who?

2) What is the last spontaneous thing someone did out front?

3) Has anyone ever gone on a trip (more than 3 hours away) on the spur of the moment?

4) Is there anyone who is prone to making snap decisions or snap judgments? Who?

5) What is the most spontaneous thing someone has ever done out front?
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Monday, August 10th, 2009

Who did it?

1) Which front runner has the most objects on the desk right now? What are they?

2) Which front runner slept in the body last night?

3) Which front runner ate breakfast? What did s/he eat?

4) Which front runner dressed the body today?

5) Pick anyone of the four previous tasks. Which front runner is most likely to that task and why?
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Monday, July 20th, 2009

Deserted Island

1) The front runners are stranded on a deserted island. What one thing do each of you bring and why?

2) There are fruit, berries, small game, and fish to eat. What do people choose to eat and why?

3) What kind of shelter do you seek out? Who builds it? How do people make it homey?

4) What sorts of things do people do for amusement?

5) You find a way to contact the outside world. Who do you contact and why?
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Monday, July 6th, 2009


1) Do any of the front runners feel very strongly about the nationality of the body? Are they positive or negative about it? What nationality is the body?

2) Does the body have a passport?

3) Are there any circumstances under which anyone would leave the country in which the body is currently living? What would entice people to leave?

4) Where would people want to go if they changed countries?

5) Do any of the front runners celebrate or avoid nationalist holidays?
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Monday, June 29th, 2009

LGBT Pride Weekend

1) Did anyone do anything special for the weekend? See the parades? The fireworks?

2) Does anyone identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender (or Queer or anything along those lines)?

3) Is anyone upset by non-heterosexual sex? Who and why?

4) Has anyone had sex with someone of the same gender either inside or out front?

5) How does the front identify? Do the front runners tell people their individual preferences or do you pick one identity and go with it?
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