Monday, December 14th, 2009

Weather-wise Either/Or

1) Given cold, do people prefer snow or sunshine?

2) Given rain, do people carry an umbrella or do without?

3) Given snow, do people put on boots or try to avoid where it's deep?

4) Given bright sun, do people wear sunglasses or do without them?

5) Given storms, do people like to watch or cuddle up inside away from windows?
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Monday, November 30th, 2009

Do the front runners prefer...

1) a quiet night at home or a noisy party?

2) a long night's sleep or lots of time up late even if they need to get up early?

3) time to read or time to watch a movie?

4) a yummy dessert or a delicious main course?

5) a perfect cup of coffee or a perfect cup of tea?
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