Multiple Monday's Journal
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Saturday, November 28th, 2009

    Time Event
    1) Does anyone keep track of the movements of the planets?

    2) Does anyone follow an earth-based religion?

    3) If you have religions inside, are any based on the planet, the stars, or the weather?

    4) Does anyone do anything special out front to mark the longest night of the year?

    5) Is there anyone who likes the nighttime better than the daytime?
    The Holiday Season
    1) What are the front runners favorite traditional holiday foods?

    2) Do people like to go to other people's houses for holidays or do they prefer to stay at home?

    3) Does anyone boycott holidays out front?

    4) Do any of the front runners have traditions they invented for the holidays?

    5) If people could only be out front for one holiday each year which one would they choose?

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