Multiple Monday's Journal
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Monday, November 3rd, 2008

    Time Event
    American Elections
    1) Does the current presidential race interest the front runners?

    2) If you are in an eligible body, are you going to vote?

    3) Do all the front runners agree about how they want to cast the body's vote?

    4) Is the presidential race the one big thing on the ballot where you live or are there other interesting races/ballot initiatives on the ballot as well? What are they?

    5) If you are not eligible to vote in the US election this Tuesday, for whom would you vote is you could?

    Bonus Questions:

    6) If you are voting this Tuesday, for whom s the body casting its ballot? Why?

    7) If you are voting this Tuesday, how are you voting in other races or for ballot initiatives? Why?

    8) If the front runners don't agree on how to cast the vote, how are you deciding who gets to use the body's vote?

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