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[30 Apr 2014|08:30pm]
The HMS Surprise is a multi-fandom RPG that is based on the promise of adventure, working together, and character development. You are on a spaceship in the middle of cosmic nowhere - the month is present on the calendar, but the year is unimportant, and thus unlisted. You have been provided with a small apartment including a private bathroom, bedroom, and living area. A few of your possessions from home have made the trip, and you have been granted a communicator that both accesses the network, the ship's database, and whatever passes for the Internet in the unspecified year.

The ship is capable of holding 100 crew and passengers, is outfitted with everything a person requires to meet their basic needs: there is a cafeteria and kitchen on the B deck, along with the gymnasium, library, and med bay. The ship's crew is standing by, ready to offer any assistance or answer any questions that you may have.


There's hardly any members of the crew to speak of. There's one or two along with the ship's computer manifested as a hologram, and while they're helpful, that's about it. No one knows why the ship is mostly empty or what happened to her former crew, but the fact of the matter is, she's still going to rescue people and she's still going to make frequent stops on alien planets or jump through time. The multiverse isn't supposed to break and that even makes the stars themselves unstable and unpredictable. The unexpected needs to be expected and if you want to survive, you're going to have to take matters into your own hands and join the effort to keep the HMS Surprise running. Her mission is to find you a new home – the least you could do is show her the same mutual respect.

Wanted Characters: Sam Winchester, Willow Rosenberg, Angel, Xander Harris, or any Star Trek, Star Wars, or Mass Effect characters. Other fandoms such as The Walking Dead, Sherlock, or The Vampire Diaries are entirely welcome.

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[30 Apr 2014|11:28pm]

To every pack of werewolves there is a Druid emissary. The Druids are advisors, masters of the mystical, and they worship and perform rituals at a sacred space known as a Nemeton. In Beacon Hills, the Nemeton was a great tree chosen to represent the center of the world, now hacked down into a giant stump. The Nemeton was dormant for a long time, but a ritual performed by a desperate trio of teenagers would charge it with power. Once charged, it turned into a magnet, drawing the supernatural to it like a beacon. 

Your character, whether supernatural in origin or completely ordinary, was brought to Beacon Hills by the Nemeton. Chances are that one moment they were in their own world and the next they were waking up next to an imposing tree stump. They couldn’t explain it, but they were drawn out of the woods and into town, gradually finding their way to an apartment complex on instinct alone. Their final destination is an apartment with a key in the locked front door. The key has a tag with their name on it. Turn the key and your character has found their new home. It’s sparsely furnished, but has everything they need including a tablet device that will connect them to a network of people in similar situations. 

Now that they’re here, they’re probably here for good. They can spend their time trying to find their way home, trying to communicate with the Nemeton, or just trying to adjust to a new life. It’s up to you.


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