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[18 Oct 2013|11:04am]
it began with twenty four fighters kidnapped for a televised arena game. the show became a runaway hit. more fighters were gathered. the arenas became grander and more diverse. the living facilities were expanded with increasing luxuries and challenges to occupy the fighters in their downtime. it has become a world of its own.

the aliens who captured the fighters and run the arenas have only acknowledged one motive for their actions: entertainment. obviously there are those who don't believe this or simply don't care and still refuse to play by the rules. struggle and resist or accept your fate, either way, the next arena will come.

let the games begin

rules & faqsapplicationdropbox
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[18 Oct 2013|05:10pm]
The HMS Surprise is a multi-fandom game set on a spaceship that is drifting through the multiverse rescuing characters from destruction as it sees fit. Characters will be accommodated with a suite and access to almost every part of the ship, but here's the catch - it's up to them to keep the ship running. Along the way, the refugees may encounter aliens, monsters, alien-monsters and other disasters that come from drifting through time and space without a map or plan of action.

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[ viewing | October 18th, 2013 ]
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