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[27 May 2013|06:44am]
Anyone want a Jefferson/Mad Hatter?
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[27 May 2013|03:58pm]



Welcome To Your New Home

Rules & FAQs
Drop Box
Oakdell is a small, but metropolitan, town on the sunny shores of Northern California. One day, for no obvious reason you can place your finger on, you wake up here.

The bed you wake up in is comfortable and, as you explore your new abode, you couldn't possibly complain about your accommodation. It's very much your dream home brought to life, if such a thing could exist in reality, whether that is a small town house, a beach house or one of an exclusive range of apartments. You feel that this place were made just for you.


This is a Multi-Fandom game. We want this game to be a fun and laid back place to play. Come and join us and have some fun in our great little world!

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[27 May 2013|05:50pm]
Mystic's HellmouthRPG
Game Premise Faith: Looks like the Hellmouth is officially closed for business.
Giles: There's another one in Cleveland.

We know there are Hellmouths all around the world and one of those is located in Mystic Falls right underneath the Salvatore Boarding House. It's only been one month since the fall of Sunnydale, but the work isn't finished for the Scoobies. Willow has learned of the Hellmouth in Mystic Falls through a psychic connection she has developed with a witch there by the name of Bonnie Bennett. The Scoobies and the members of Angel Investigations have all shown up in town only to find another team of witches have shown up to help as well. It seems this evil is reaching out to all borders, drawing in heroes and like never before.
Game Info
[info]mystichellmouth is a multi-fandom game that accepts several supernatural based fandoms and OCs.

Most Wanted Characters Bonnie Bennett, Willow Rosenberg, Angel, Xander Harris, Matt Donovan, Jeremy Gilbert, Rupert Giles, Elijah Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson, Tyler Lockwood, Alaric Saltzman, Jenna Sommers, Mason Lockwood, April Young, John Gilbert, Ethan Rayne, Adam Conant and Charles Meade.

code by ~affictitious
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