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[26 Sep 2012|02:31pm]
The sign says welcome to Shreveport when you drive into town. It's the third largest city in Louisiana. It's nothing like the small town of Sunnydale, but a bustling city with a 200,000 plus population. Make that 199,998 and the numbers keep dropping. It's the year 2002 and the Buffy gang have already turned Sunnydale into a large crater. When asked what they were gonna do, Giles reminded them that there was another Hellmouth in Ohio, but he forgot to mention Shreveport. Most people don't know that it's here, but in the Alleyways and behind closed doors a select few do. Now that the slayer powers were distributed, the power between good and evil is off balance and weird things are happening. One moment your about your normal every day routine and the next you find yourself in an alley, surrounded by vamps or demons. What are you gonna do? Fight them off or be another victim.
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[26 Sep 2012|06:00pm]
Eros Complex

"Theres a room here for everyone"

Welcome! Welcome to your new home. How you got here and why aren't important, you're here now and thats all that matters. Once you wake up in your new room -decorated to your tastes, of course-theres no leaving. Oh sure, you're free to wander the endless maze of hallways, and there's even a reception desk should you get that far.

What is this place, you ask? Well thats just it, no one knows. Once upon a time, it used to be a prison ship. A place that would pick up people and judge them, but now it just drifts aimlessly...somewhere in the universe. Everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It;s changed, however. Now instead of judging people and sentencing them, it -through some odd twist in mechanics- has set itself to have others discover their more...baser instincts. Any form of pleasure you like, any little thing you can think of, can and will be offered. All it wants in return is for you to stay. Forever.

Of course, there's more to do then just indulge in your instincts. With every person the ship collects, it adds to the endless hallways of doors. Behind some theres libraries, swimming pools, behind others there could be entire storefronts, or amusement parks. Endless delights to keep its guests -or are they prisoners?-occupied.

Once your here, you won't want to leave. After all, theres a room here for everyone. Have you found yours?

Eros Apartments is dressing room game, loosely based around the Doctor Who episode the God Complex and the idea tentatively taken from 'the-love-hotel'on Livejournal.

~ Rules ~ Premise ~ Drop Box
[info]erosmod, [info]eroscomplex, [info]erosooc
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[26 Sep 2012|10:27pm]

Any missing members of the Leverage crew, Tara Cole and Archie Leach for a lonely thief! I also would love to see other good guy criminal types from any fandom.

Also if anyone is interested in picking up Alec Hardison please contact me or the player of Dean Winchester, we have a theory brewing given that Aldis Hodge has guested on SPN.
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[ viewing | September 26th, 2012 ]
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