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[17 Aug 2012|07:30pm]

  • Dark House

    is a horror/survival RPG. Locked with strangers in a huge house, you must survive with whatever you can carry. Because not only is the house full of rooms & halls & secret passages, but it's also alive.

    And you will get lost.

  • You wake in the darkness. A heavy weight on your chest forces you to gasp but you can't draw much more than a shallow breath. Which is sort of a good thing because the smell around you is absolutely horrific. It's like death has found you.
  • And it has.
  • Because the more you move, the more you realize that there is a little bit of light. It's coming from somewhere to your left & as your eyes become accustomed to it you can see what it is that has you pinned.
  • Bodies.
  • Everywhere around you, above & below, are bodies. Legs, arms, hair, faces grotesque & lifeless piled on & beneath you. It doesn't take you long to recognize them either. There's your best friend, her eyes wide & sightless. Your little brother, his skin bloodlessly pale & mottled. You want to scream but you can't gather enough breath.
  • Then somewhere close by you feel movement inside the pile. Someone whispers your name.
  • The lights go out.
  • Welcome to the Dark House.
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[ viewing | August 17th, 2012 ]
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