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Dark House: Panfandom/OC horror/survival game [NOW OPEN] [03 Aug 2012|01:22pm]

  • You wake up sitting at the table. All around you the decadence of a very formal dining room in a very lavish estate. In your hand is a gleaming silver fork & the remnants of a bite of very expensive looking game fowl.
  • As your eyes re-focus on your world you realize that you aren't alone & that there are others sitting at the table with you. Others who are just now re-joining the world of the living from some sort of sleep-like state.
  • Who are they & why are you all dressed as if attending a black tie event? There is no music & the lighting is entirely comprised of maybe 100 candles in a beautiful crystal & silver chandelier hanging from the ceiling above.
  • You toss down your fork, forget the napkin on your lap, & start to get to your feet with a protest on your lips.
  • Which is when the scratchy recording of a voice begins to play from the victrola in the corner.
  • "Welcome to Dark House." It's neither male nor female sounding. Its androgyny leaving you very unsettled. "You are here for the party, as you can well see. But before you decide it's not for you, please be sure to note that just like that funny, old song says, 'You can check out any time you like. But you can NEVER leave.'"
  • The last words are a snarl & someone sitting at the table faints. You think that's the end of it & consider finding the door & proving the record wrong when it coughs back to life with one more thought.
  • "Oh & check your pockets, loves. That's all you've got to survive."
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[03 Aug 2012|01:54pm]

Emerald Cove











Dark secrets hide in the shadows and crevices of Emerald Cove, a town that attracts people as a flame might draw a moth. But hidden by it's moutainous terrain only those who are meant to be are drawn to it. And such is the power of the mysterious force that drew you here, that once you've arrived chances are you won't want to leave again. Ever.

Some who find themselves here come without powers, some come with powers out of control, and some come with complete control of their powers but the need to learn something they can only find here in Emerald Cove. It a town where the unexpected is part of our every day existence and where you will never have a chance to be bored.

But all who find themselves here are given the same warning: beware the things that go bump in the night.

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[03 Aug 2012|04:01pm]


It was a battle like any other. A fight they had fought for so long. The Brotherhood, run up against the X-Men. One trying to stop humanity's destruction of their own kind, one trying to protect all of mankind. Human and mutant alike. There were injuries, and there was fatigue. It was a parting shot, and still no one knows who took it. All they know is time, slowed. Pietro, known for his speed, had stopped. Somehow been hit and fallen. His sister, Wanda, turned and seeing his limp form, eye staring blankly at the sky, screamed enraged. She threw herself, and her powers, over his body, a silent plea for help, any sort of help. Her powers of reality manipulation pushed to their breaking and she too went limp.

But not before the world shimmered, and changed. Our reality, absorbed, absorbing another. Heroes and villains alike felt the odd shift, but none know exactly what has happened. Only that fallen comrades have returned. Loved ones, once thought lost, brought back, and new heroes, new enemies, emerged. The worlds of Marvel and D/C have joined. A wish for time to go back, for youth to return, was taken literally. Now everyone is finding themselves in a merged world, one where they have somehow gotten younger. Their powers, their memories, are theirs, but now they seem to have more time. So do they trust each other? Or find a way to somehow separate their worlds once again? Knowing the consequences could be blinking out of existence all together.


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