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[17 Feb 2012|10:15am]

Can you survive

The Triangle?

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[17 Feb 2012|07:14pm]
Comm Ad )
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[17 Feb 2012|07:46pm]
Being Human (UK) characters wanted over at the [info]orientexpress! We already have McNair, Annie and Mitchell (bet you wouldn't have guessed the last one, eh?). But we want more! This show has so many wonderful characters to offer!

The game has a wonderful premise and a lot of plot to offer. We have very active players and already a wonderful range of characters in game so even if you do not have a clue what the hell Being Human is, I still highly recommend checking out the game.
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New Game! [17 Feb 2012|09:36pm]

Welcome to Pacis Urbs, a city that takes the best of all worlds for itself.</br>

And, yes, that includes you.

You've been taken quite by accident, you see, but you're hardly the first Otherworlder the Natives have had to deal with. Pacis Urbs has a long history of accommodating Others like yourself, and getting them back home. The only problem is, getting you back is expensive. How can you earn the money to get home?

The Games, of course. These gladiator-esque games are wildly popular in Pacis Urbs and other cities, generating much of the city's income. While these games can be light, even humorous, the darker games pay more. Getting home isn't cheap, and there are plenty of ways to sell yourself on the Campus.

Isolated from the rest of the city, collared and marked as an outsider, you're stuck in this world until you can pay off your debt.

The only question to ask yourself now is: what will you do to get home?

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[ viewing | February 17th, 2012 ]
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