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[21 Jan 2012|10:06am]



Character Directory
Player Directory
The year is 2200 and New York City is one of five major cities that has survived since the epidemic that wiped out the majority of the United States, however, one would never know that outside the shining city, there is only ruins and miles of desolate terrain. In the mid Twenty First Century Biological Warfare was on the rise and as a result a plague was released, which spread through, not only the air, but the water as well. Within days half of the world’s population was wiped out, but five US cities built shelters, which housed a large number of the remaining population. When they emerge, only those who had been lucky enough to get into the shelters remained.

This resulted in a new beginning.

The remaining cities; Los Angeles, Las Vegas, New York, Chicago and Boston often compete with one another, which has led Novus Initium, the new government of New York, to begin taking people they deem interesting from various works of fiction and integrating them into the city. Some were chosen primarily for their various skills; be that defense, business, art, etc. Everyone has a place there.

Novus Initium are waiting to welcome all newcomers to Ellis Island. All new arrivals are tested for strength, speed and general knowledge. Upon arrival they will find that a chip has been inserted into their forearm for tracking purposes. Novus Initium will also gift each newcomer with a state of the art smart phone before being sent to begin their lives in Novus. While it seems friendly enough, what lurks on the outside might not be as welcoming.

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Wanted ... [21 Jan 2012|08:51pm]
Come take a ride on the [info]orientexpress!

We recently cut the deadweight, so there are lots of roles open to be filled (including The Doctor and Dean Winchester).

I specifically am looking for a Remus Lupin, James Potter, Harry Potter, and Severus Snape, as well as Lily Luna, James Sirius, and Albus Severus.

I am also looking for a movie!verse Rogue for my Logan.

We wouldn't mind seeing Zoe and Wash and Jayne, either -- we have a Simon, River, Mal, and Kaylee. We also have a brief wanted list as well.
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Oops, the Multiverse Crashed. [21 Jan 2012|09:19pm]

Reality Crash


"Welcome to Reality, we serve crazy here."

Taken Characters
Held Characters
Welcome to reality.

No, really. It's the real world and the most exciting thing happening is Dancing with the Stars.
But then one day things just start happening. Strange things. Like empty cities appearing out of nowhere. Talking cats. Vampire attacks. Werewolf sightings. Guys flying around in capes. Giant robots not attacking cities. Godzilla. Aliens. Dragons. Gods.
These things only happen in fiction, right? Well obviously, you're wrong.
Fiction is very much real now.
The Multiverse is collapsing and for some reason the small town of Red Oak, Delaware, has become a magnet for survivors.
But what could possibly be so important about a simple little town? It doesn't even have a Starbucks.

Game Status: Active & Taking Applications.

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