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Wanna help us save the world? Or help plunge it into despair? [07 Dec 2011|12:30pm]
York, PA, is well-known for rumors that it contains the Gates of Hell. They aren't just rumors.

And those Gates are going to open. There are already powers at work to do it, and prophecies that have been written concern them. Slayers, hunters, angels, demons, vampires, wizards and werewolves stand ready to defend or help damn the world.

Whose side are you on?

Blood Red Sky is a multi-fandom, original character-friendly RPG. Accepted canon fandoms are currently Supernatural, The Dresden Files/book series, True Blood/The Southern Vampire Mysteries, Angel/Buffy/Fray, Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter and The Vampire Chronicles and Lives of the Mayfair Witches. If you have interest in another fandom, let us know. We'll tell you what we think of incorporating it.


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[07 Dec 2011|11:40pm]
Home or psls for any of the charries listed in my journal?
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[ viewing | December 7th, 2011 ]
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