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[15 May 2011|07:08pm]
[info]centurus is looking for some new players! It's panfandom meets The Sims - in space! With robots!! How much more awesome can you get?!

Taken/Held list | Application | Moderator Drop Box | Expanded Game Premise | Ship information

There isn't a formal wanted list in the mod journal, but I know the Supernatural folks would love Crowley, the Whovians are looking for River Song (we have the Tenth and Eleventh doctors!), the Trek-ers would possibly kill for Spock (seriously, how do we have his parents and not him?!), and I would personally die if there was anyone who played anyone in the Enderverse. Bonus points if it's Achilles, because the thought of Achilles and Petra marooned together in space makes my head spin in epic ways.
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Dream Fragments - A mature multi-magical girl RPG [15 May 2011|07:36pm]

You close your eyes to fall asleep. You open them.

You're somewhere else, somewhere unfamiliar to you, like a desert on the moon. You're no longer your civilian self but are now transformed into your inner you, the you that's powerful and brave, the you that plucks magic from the air. Around you are your friends, your team. These people mean everything to you.

Clustered in groups like yours are other girls roughly the same age as you, all dressed in spectacular outfits, all their auras crackling with magic like static in the air. They all look just as confused as you as they murmur softly to each other.

A voice fills your mind.

You are all experienced fighters, warriors, soldiers. You've all had something you thought was worth fighting for. Look at the girls across from you. They are to be destroyed.

The battle begins now.

{Rules} - {FAQ} - {Wanted/Taken} - {Application} - {OOC} - {Mod}
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[15 May 2011|09:50pm]

[info]silverage is a multifandom game set in a 1962 New York City where characters of all types will be forced to interact together in a world that, in many cases, is not their own. Everyone seems to have their own theory as to why they've ended up there, but no one's yet been able to find their way out. Forced to adapt to a new city and a different era, your characters will have to build new bonds and forge new alliances and friendships in order to survive their new lives.

HELD || TAKEN || RULES || FAQ || [info]silveragemod
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