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NEW GAME! [03 Apr 2011|03:14pm]

Everyone knows the government keeps secrets. What's really in Area 51? Who really shot JFK? Where is Hoffa really buried? In 2006, another secret, another source of conspiracy theories, was born.

Six scientists combined their ideas and expertise to create clones of real people. These clones were then implanted with memories and personalities, even abilities, of people from other dimensions, fictional characters to us, and then released for observation into an elaborate underground city.

The clones don't know that they're clones; their memories are altered to know only the things their scientist creators want them to know. Scientists and students from universities all over the world are welcomed to the secret facility on a strict recruitment basis to study the daily lives of these clones as family members, friends and associates.

Will you be a clone, forced to choose between ignorance and knowledge, or will you be a scientist, trying to study the clones while maintaining the secret of the city?

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[03 Apr 2011|05:00pm]



Taken Characters
Held Characters
Drop Box

God’s having a good day.

It’s made him feel benevolent, made him feel like giving out some second chances.

Especially to those who screwed up the first time round.

Dean and Sam Winchester have always, for the most part, served him well. But their mistakes have been huge and numerous. They’re first in line for that second chance.

Ab Initio is a panfandom game primarily set in the Supernatural universe. The game will start with episode one of Supernatural and any/all characters who have ever appeared in the show are welcome to join in, regardless of when they appeared.

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