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The Flying Dutchman [18 Mar 2011|08:08am]

Welcome to The Flying Dutchman, Davey Jones' locker for all lost souls. At a crucial moment in your character's history, the universe split. Destiny went its merry way and your character got stuck in a time rip on a luxury cruise ship staffed completely by ghosts. The ship's unplottable. The amenities are free. There are others like you, all trying to get home. So you can either enjoy yourself, or waste your unscheduled vacation worrying yourself over a way to get home. The choice is yours. Of course you may have to deal with a hiccup or two on the way, like sea monsters and deserted islands.

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The Doctor (9th preferred), Donna Noble, Sarah Jane Smith; Buffy Summers, Xander Harris, Winnifred Burkle; Being Human's George Sands, Nina Pickering; Soul Eater's Death the Kid, Patty Thompson; Angels/Demons from any fandom; Torchwood Staff
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[18 Mar 2011|08:22am]

It has been a year since seal number thirty was destroyed. Since then, dozens of people from different universes - good and evil alike - have poured through the cracks in the universe that the seal created, dropping straight into the world that the demon, Lilith, so eagerly sought to destroy. Those brought through the seal proved to be nothing short of a challenge for Lilith, but with a clever plan already set into motion, Lilith managed to trick one of the Winchester brothers into breaking the final seal. In doing so, Lilith was killed - Lucifer, however, was freed from his cage for the first time in thousands of years. With nothing more than vengeance set in his heart against God and all of humanity, Lucifer began to work. War will no longer be coming. With Lucifer up top and his apocalypse well on the way, it is finally here.

♦ ♦ ♦

[info]wariscoming is a MULTIFANDOM RPG that takes place within the universe of the Supernatural fandom. Having been open for over a year now, the game is moving on from it's fourth season arc and following the major storyline of the fifth season of the series.


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