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[02 Dec 2010|06:22pm]
graffiti . communication . ooc . logs . faqs .
rules . taken . hold/drop . wanted . app
The Three Goddesses of Tibet have been let loose in New York City by a unknown entity, an angry one who has yet to show himself/herself. The random and constant killing has caused the Powers That Be to start pulling heroes and villains from other dimensions and time to stop the Goddesses and those who wish to side with them.

Some have been pulled and don't even want to side or never had one, they just want their lives back. The question is which side will you be on?

This game is a pan-fandom RPG set in the Angel/Buffy-verse, knowledge of the show is not required. It is simply vague usage.

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[ viewing | December 2nd, 2010 ]
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