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[25 Oct 2010|03:52am]

It has been a year since seal number thirty was destroyed. Since then, dozens of people from different universes - good and evil alike - have poured through the cracks in the universes that the seal created, dropping straight into the world that Lilith so eagerly sought to destroy. Those brought through the seal proved to be nothing short of a challenge for Lilith, but with a clever plan already set into motion, Lilith managed to trick one of the Winchester brothers into breaking the final seal. In doing so, Lilith was killed; Lucifer, however, was freed from his cage for the first time in thousands of years. With nothing more than vengeance set in his heart against God and all of humanity, Lucifer began to work. War would no longer be coming; with Lucifer up top and his apocalypse well on the way, it is finally here.

♦ ♦ ♦

[info]wariscoming is a MULTIFANDOM RPG that takes place within the universe of the Supernatural fandom. Having been open for over a year now, the game is moving on from it's fourth season arc and following the major storyline of the fifth season of the series.


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[25 Oct 2010|11:36am]

You might wake up several times before you come to true consciousness, staring up at the tiles of the ceiling and slowly beginning to hear the soft beeps and shuffling curtains of the room around you. The figure of a woman graces your bedside, sometimes looking down and other times just sitting by your side. As the lights grow brighter, you see her smile and she touches your cheek gently as you blink away from the heavy streams of dreams you've awoken from.

"Hello, welcome back." She says to you, checking the IV in your arm before fixing your blankets. You move to sit up, but can't quite muster the strength. "Just relax, honey. Your body's tired."

She sets a tray across your lap sometime later, you're not too sure when. You fell back asleep at some point, but she's drawing back the curtains from your window so you can see the forest and the afternoon sky. She helps you sit up, and it's much easier this time. She fixes your pillows, puts the spoon in your hand. If you need it, she'll help you eat, too.

This is her job. To help these patients come back to their senses, they've finally got a cure to bring you back to the waking world. Her job is to make you remember who you are because your loved ones are worried. They're not here right now, but they sent you here for rehabilitation. This is the leading facility for this kind of research; Yellow Brick Institute.

You may remember another life, something fantastic and surreal at the same time. But that's fiction, not reality - a side effect of falling ill to the sickness that put you to sleep. Remember, that's why you're here -- to forget about that, and remember your roots. Those other memories that slowly slip back to he surface. Of living on Earth, this Earth.

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remodeled @ IJ is a memory-modification panfandom roleplay.
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[ viewing | October 25th, 2010 ]
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