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[10 May 2010|03:40pm]
Wars are often fought, and often forgotten, and on Arbas al Uat this is not simply a fact of life, but life itself.

Pulled away from worlds, families, and missions they do not remember, twenty teams of Blanks fought against each other. They made alliances and enemies, killed and died, and in the end one team stood victorious over the rest. They were returned their memories. They were returned to their homes.

That was eleven rounds ago. At the start of the twelfth round of the War, only nine teams yet remain. Once again they have forgotten everything but the fleeting sense of camaraderie with their own team, and the instilled distrust of all others. This is War, after all, and even without recollection of the previous eleven rounds, they tire of the endless loop. Fight, steal, deal, survive, and always always try to get ahead. To be better means to escape. The best teams won early, and escaped long ago, but now to be the best of the worst still means a chance at freedom. At home.

Arbas al Uat - A Multi-fandom Amnesiac Gang-War RP ☉

The NetworkArbas OOC

Applications are OPEN

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Unit Directory
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Mission Request Page
Memory Registry
Stats and Power Retention
☉ World Information


Instilled Memories
Unit Inventories
Maps, Territories and World Description
Flora and Fauna
Memory Game Info

Cinis Info Page
Cinis Private

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[10 May 2010|05:03pm]

Poseidon Academy, an educational institution by the shores of the ocean, is home to people of all different ages, from all different places. They are teachers, faculty, students and townspeople, each serving an important purpose, playing a crucial role in the Academy's greater community. Reachable through a nexus -- a strange and inexplicable phenomenon that allows passage between worlds and times -- the Academy exists largely in a world of its own. All races, all ages, all sentient forms of life are welcomed with open arms to the Academy. Some are more benevolent than others, but that's the risk of a place such as this; that is what gives the Academy its color.

Nearly all fandoms and genres are happily accepted into the Academy, so long as they can find a place, their own little niche, in which to fit within Poseidon's community. If you're interested in joining the Academy's varied and diverse population, please take the time to explore further using the links provided below. Any other questions that you may have, feel free to address them to the moderators, who will be happy to provide whatever answers they can.

Setting , Rules , Taken Characters A - M , Taken Characters N - Z , Application

Mod Contact:
AIM: trouble truffle
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[10 May 2010|08:16pm]

Present day Aiode Falls, Maine is home to many residents from all over the globe. And Universe.

The little college town is growing, and becoming home to more and more people all of the time. Some of them have no idea how they got there, and some of them can never go home. As the University gets darker with new arrivals harboring less than happy intentions, so does the city. It is now home to metahumans, vampires, humans, demons, ghosts, aliens and even celestial beings. All of them with defined morals (or none, for that matter) and each with an allegiance. Those without a chosen allegiance are considered fair game, as both sides subconsciously prepare.

There is a constant battle for good and evil in this town, and only one side can prevail.

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