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[13 Nov 2009|07:32am]

World’s End


Taken and Held
World’s End is a panfandom game focusing on the survivors of destroyed worlds, and what they choose to do afterward. Some try to eek out a new existence at “The World’s End,” a world many of the displaced arrived at after the destruction of their home world. Others seek to combat what is commonly called “the darkness,” the eater of worlds, and prevent it from corrupting and destroying even more worlds. Some study “The Door” at The World’s End, and the machinery left behind by Ansem the Wise, hoping to gain information that may allow them to restore the lost worlds and those who lived there.

The outlook is bleak, and oblivion waits just outside the City's borders, but they aren’t called “survivors” for no reason, and there may be a way to fix this yet. But they’ll have to work with strangers to do it, if they don’t destroy themselves from within first.

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[13 Nov 2009|07:34am]

World’s End


Taken and Held
World’s End is a panfandom game focusing on the survivors of destroyed worlds, and what they choose to do afterward. Some try to eek out a new existence at “The World’s End,” a world many of the displaced arrived at after the destruction of their home world. Others seek to combat what is commonly called “the darkness,” the eater of worlds, and prevent it from corrupting and destroying even more worlds. Some study “The Door” at The World’s End, and the machinery left behind by Ansem the Wise, hoping to gain information that may allow them to restore the lost worlds and those who lived there.

The outlook is bleak, and oblivion waits just outside the City's borders, but they aren’t called “survivors” for no reason, and there may be a way to fix this yet. But they’ll have to work with strangers to do it, if they don’t destroy themselves from within first.

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[ viewing | November 13th, 2009 ]
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