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[17 Oct 2009|04:29am]

U  N  D  E  R    D  U  S  K  -  P A N F A N D O M

... In a town called Silent Hill ...

Towns with supernatural reputations can be dangerous places, but Silent Hill is the worst of them all.

On the surface of it, the town is merely a normal populated resort destination, and the lucky ones never get to find out otherwise. But sometimes, for others who travel here, just before they drift off to sleep they can hear whispers of long-gone people from their past. Occasionally, when fog settles in, they even claim to see demons lurking in the distance. There are things in Silent Hill.

People say that the town is haunted. It's rumoured to be temporally and spatially challenged, that physical laws break down in here. And if that's true, then anything here is possible. Advanced beings moving among the residents, invisibly guiding the course of human evolution, of history, dimensional doors, hosts, demons, ancient tomes of magic... and there are rumours of the town occasionally switching into a dark, ruined, decayed version of itself called "The Otherworld" which has the ability to reflect a person's psyche, to twist the environment into their own hell, full of illusions and violent demonic creatures.

They're right. Silent Hill was always home to a supernatural presence, having been a sacred place to a cult called "The Order", but the town's bloody history has perverted these energies into something far darker.

The evil here has been intensifying greatly, spreading outward to touch not only the real world, but worlds and dimensions and even times beyond it. The Order, through mysterious means, has been pulling in people from these outside worlds to feed the evil and build up the town's power. It's got people who can't let go of something in their lives pulled here, people with secrets they can't tell anyone, done things they can't face. And then there are others finding themselves here who don't know how or why, or what their presence here means for all of the worlds. Some people come to realise that by aligning themselves with the Order, they will be give a certain degree of protection. Then there are those who refuse to give into the darkness and try to fight it.

However they choose to survive, they'll soon discover that they were brought here as pawns in a far bigger cosmic battle, and will have a fight on their hands to get out of this one alive.

Under Dusk is a panfandom game set in the fictional town of Silent Hill (and its dark alternative version), providing a stimulating environment for characters to interact within, and plenty of opportunities to explore the deeper psyche of the characters through plots with themes of good vs. evil and all they grey areas inbetween.


underdusk | underduskrpg | underdusknet | underduskooc

T  H  E    S  I  L  E  N  C  E    I  S    B  R  O  K  E  N
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Cheshire Crossing; Multifandom Asylum-Based IJ RPG. [17 Oct 2009|11:34am]

As children, we're expected not just to believe in fairy tales, but to embrace them. Boys can fly and live as children forever, girls can be rescued from their evil step-mothers and whisked away to castles in pumpkin coaches; the world is an endless stretch of possibility set against a backdrop of inherent freedom.

It is only a fiction. The world eventually reveals itself to be an unkind place, the villains not easily defeated, no fairy godmother to come to the rescue. The loss of innocence is taken in stride by some, and those fortunate masses go on to become grown-ups, to live out their lives in some boring profession or another, to forget magic after passing it along to their own children.

But what of those who grow older without growing up? What if Alice witnessed something so terrifying that she never wanted to leave Wonderland? What if Belle's beast was so cunning and so cruel that she could not bear to part from him, his murder of her father aside? For all of those who fell through the cracks, for the most unique and the least privileged, the untouchable and the uncared for, for the most heartbreaking and horrifying, there exists a refuge. The shelter? A deceptively quiet New England hospital; Cheshire Crossing.

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Dark City Treno Recruiting [17 Oct 2009|02:20pm]











Welcome to your new home. Set in crime-ridden Dark City Treno, dominated by alcohol, drugs and weapons, this place is constantly immersed in a perpetual state of darkness. Heavy black clouds loom overhead, sometimes bringing rain but never breaking to let in the sun. The city has evolved to match its environment; business is shady, outlooks are bleak, and it is unclear whether there is still light behind the clouds at all. Even the brightest linings offer little hope. In the corner flower shop, full of carnations and spools of cheap ribbon, black market narcotics and hallucinogens change hands. The local pub, complete with Guinness on tap, reserves the back three tables for weapons dealers to do business. Criminals of all types seem drawn to the city, attracted to the dark environment the city offers.

Despite this, there is a murmur of hope amid the murky despair. A rebellion is forming, individuals determined to fight against the masses and bring good and order back into the city. However, the weather has not broken. With the dreary forecast constantly imposing upon the innocent civilians, the fight is predicted to be endless and futile.

Will you fight against the overwhelming corruption threatening to take over this already desolate city or join among its ranks?

A Panfandom Multiverse RPG
OU/AU/GB of each character
Het/Yuri/Yaoi Friendly

Reservations are always open
Applications are being taken

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Act 3 [17 Oct 2009|06:27pm]

Rules | Available/Held Characters | Taken Characters | Canon Character Histories | Application | Out of Character Comm

The year is 2019, it's been twenty-one years since the Battle of Hogwarts when Harry Potter defeated The Dark Lord. Life has gone back to normal for the survivors; if being a Wizard was normal to begin with. But then again has life really gone back to normal for everyone? The Trio and their friends have children of their own now. Have they taken after their parents? Are they the complete opposite? It's now their turn to create their own stories.

This is a Third Generation, Canon based game. It picks up two years after the Deathly Hallows Epilogue. Didn't like the Epilogue? That's ok, neither did I, but here's your chance to create your own Epilogue.

Wanted Characters: Weasleys (Ron, Bill, Fleur, Charlie, George, Angelina, Audrey, Hugo, Victoire, Louis, Lucy, Fred, Roxanne), Lily Potter, Neville & Hannah Longbottom, Longbottom children, Luna (Lovegood) Scamander, Rolf Scamander, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Hogwarts Graduates from the Trios years, Current Hogwarts Students (OCs accepted for children).
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