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:: Colligo :: [07 May 2009|11:59am]

Once The Collector has you, there's no going back.

From all over the universe, from every reality ever imagined, The Collector is gathering the best and the brightest, the beings that he finds most interesting, most worthy for his collection. The city of Colligo is The Collector's personal trophy case and that's where you find yourself once he's got you.

You, unfortunately, have caught The Collector's eye and have been added to his collection. Where you are is unknown, how you got there is an even bigger mystery, but you're faced with two choices: learn to live in this city or die trying to escape it. The choice is yours.

Colligo is a panfandom game set in an original world. We are het/slash/femme friendly and welcome any fandom out there. The Collector wants you.
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