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[29 Mar 2009|06:53am]


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Welcome to Raccoon City!

First there was the disaster at the lab, then the infection of Raccoon City and the nuclear bombing of it. Over the years Umbrella's effect on the world continued through the new company TriCell Pharmaceuticals. They rebuilt the city and other big cities to hopefully keep the monsters that lived at bay.

Safe from most of the danger, life continued on in Raccoon City Heights. Human life could thrive, travel and live the way they used to before all of this, a decade later after the incident.

[info]raccoon__city is a Panfandom based in Resident's Evil Raccoon City after it's been rebuilt. It's basically a social game with a little bit of scary stuff and R-Rated fun! All characters are welcome!

[info]rc_ooc, [info]rc_comm, [info]raccoon__city

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[29 Mar 2009|12:24pm]

info - taken - held - [info]aiodemods
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[ viewing | March 29th, 2009 ]
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