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Pentamerone - Fairy tales and folklore RP on Inksome! [06 Feb 2009|12:03am]
What happens after ever after? When your home begins to fade around you, where will you go? What happens when you fall asleep one night, and the next, wake up in a magical land you've never seen or heard of before? Pentamerone is the last stronghold of human imagination. The hundreds of magical lands and worlds that used to exist in the minds of children are now in a state of decay. Heroes and villains alike seek someplace to exist before they fade from existence. Others search for a way home, not sure if there's a home left to go to. Pentamerone is a world of mystery, of new places to be explored, and full of new people to meet. Only one thing's certain: once you cross its borders, you can never return home again.

Game Info // Characters Wanted
Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal

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You don't have to be mad to post here... [06 Feb 2009|01:34pm]

[info]onlineasylum is a multi-fandom, journal based role play. Your pup has their own journal and uses it to meet and mingle with pups from a variety of modern day fandoms. Post about your pup's life and adventures, innermost thoughts and feelings... or just spam their f'list with memes!

Interaction takes place both through entries on [info]onlineasylum itself, the pup's journals, and also in the log community, [info]onlineasylumlog.

The OOC community can be found at [info]onlineasylumooc.

Applications are open for characters from fandoms based loosely in the present day, including supernatural/fantasy and science fiction based canons. To apply, go here.

The FAQs can be found here.

The current cast list can be found here.
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[06 Feb 2009|10:02pm]
Kingdom of Regaling

Regaling is a cursed kingdom. Inside, there are castles towering to the sky, enchanted forests, and a host of magical creatures, but despite all of that, the kingdom is still cursed. Not just the kingdom as a whole; every single inhabitant of Regaling is born with their own curse. Some are meant to be broken, others will remain unbreakable. Regaling is one giant fairy tale. Your character will be the hero of their story, a victim in another, a love interest in the next, and maybe a villain in all the rest.

Regaling is an AU multi-fandom, ani-manga, book/movie, and video game role play with a heavy importance on character development and humor with hi-jinks!!1! versus a complicated plot. The game is set up in a loose way in the hopes that characters will be able to make the game develop without having very much set in stone. It is designed in the form of a kingdom of fairy tales, with each character assuming a role in their own story and inevitably affecting the other stories around them. The Kingdom of Regaling itself is under a curse that includes curse days, during which the majority of Regaling's inhabitants will suffer from the same basic curse (though on some curse days, players can choose if they want their characters to participate or not). It could, for example, be a day when everyone switches curses, or maybe forgets about the person they hold the most important to them. However, on the normal days (and I'm using "normal" lightly here~) each character must live with their own curse. As part of Regaling's curse, each person who enters the Kingdom of Regaling, be it by birth or travel, will have a curse placed upon them. The curse is theirs alone and, if they are lucky enough, they will find a way to break it...

× We're looking for more characters and there are plenty to be taken. :]~ Though each character has to have a PB, which the mod can help with choosing one for you if you'd like. That includes curses if you have trouble deciding on one for your character/s.

If you have any questions, just e-mail me at

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[06 Feb 2009|10:58pm]



In the year 2020, the world came to an end.

It began with a vaccine. A way to protect those who weren't already afflicted with HIV, and to perhaps help cure those who were. It was meant to save mankind. Instead, it condemned them to extinction. Entire cities fell virtually overnight. Chaos filled the streets. Governments were overturned, anarchy became the new order. Hope was lost until, almost eighteen months after the ordeal first began, a small group of the brightest minds came together and created a plan to save the world.

In 2025, New Hope was created.

A large, domed facility built just outside Geneva, Switzerland, New Hope was meant to be their salvation. It was safe, from both the elements and the dying victims that still roamed the neighboring hills. There was a chance to start fresh, to create life once more. They simply had to find a cure. Unfortunately, with their own health waning and time running out, a cure was further from their grasps than the stars in the sky.

The answer came, they thought, in the form of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The world's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator, LHC was capable of creating a gap, between time and space. It was with this theory that the scientists spent the final moments of their life preparing New Hope for the arrivals. Videotapes, audio recordings, even written instructions were set in place to answer any questions. The message they left was loud and clear. These arrivals were the last hope of a dying planet. Together, they may be able to find a cure. If not, it was up to them to ensure the planet survived.

The year is now 2030.

For five long years, New Hope has remained empty. The scientists are long since dead and the most amazing creation of their time is slowly crumbling from neglect and decay. Yet the LHC has never once faltered in its daily attempts to open the hypothesized rift. And at long last, it is beginning to succeed.

New people are arriving almost daily. Some pulled here without their knowledge, some coming in the name of exploration. Beings of all shapes and sizes, all walks of life, now roam the streets of New Hope. They have been assigned a task by those before them to save the world.

That is, of course, provided they're capable of surviving themselves.

New Hope is a multi-fandom RPG. We allow for most any fictional character from most any fictional setting. This game is set on a Post-Apocalyptic Earth in a fictional city which does not exist in any known fandom. Due to the darker nature of this game, we ask that all applicants be at least 18 years of age or older.

{[info]cityofnewhope | [info]newhopecomms | [info]newhopeooc | [info]newhopemods}
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