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Tis the Season [12/25/13]

It's been quiet around these parts lately, and so I'd like to add a meme in.

Christmas Gifts 2013

Comment below with your character and other characters will comment with what they got them for [INSERT YOUR HOLIDAY OF CHOICE HERE]!

This will be considered in character as well, so if you want to say your character delivered the gift in person, the player receiving the gift can react! Or you can take it as a chance to do a fun scene in the comms.

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The Devil You Say! [12/22/13]

Hello Everyone!

This is Brett, and I have brought on board everyone's favorite non-green lawyer. ;) Matt Murdock, brawler and fighter, as seen, of course, from the events of the Daredevil movie that left out something very... interesting: his training under Stick.

For a decade he's relied on his senses, reflexes, and his dad's boxing lessons to get him through a labyrinth of Bad People, but that's no longer going to be enough. He's going to have to train to be better if he's going to survive, and the time has come for a new stage in his life.

That doesn't mean, however, that the world stops turning. His friends, allies and enemies are still around, and that's where you come in! All the plots, please! Old friends like Spidey and the Heroes for Hire, new friends like Hawkguys and those poor disenfranchised mutants, bring it on!

Please comment below for any plots you've previously had with Daredevil so we can be sure to accommodate and incorporate them as best as possible. I'd much rather not mess with your character's canon, so I'd like to avoid that as much as possible. Also let me know if any plots come to mind!

Looking forward to all the fun, Matt's poor personal life judgments, and action and adventure.


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Mod Post: Reminder Activity Check [12/09/13]

Just a reminder--last day to get your character active will be Sunday the 15th! For those curious, our cutoff for activity is midnight US Pacific Time.

Check yo' self here

Want a reminder sent to your email inbox when these checks come up? Track the "mod posts" tag in the OOC. (We also use this tag for important announcements.)

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She's baaaaaaaaaaaack )

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Wargh! [12/05/13]

Sorry I kind of dropped off there! I've been trying to help a friend get out of a fairly bad situation, and we're rolling up on the end of our project, and I sort of forgot about everything else.

I think the log with Laura is done, but I'd like to keep going with Jono/Alisa and Jono/Masdison if there's still interest.

I'll also get something up so I don't fail the activity check, but if anybody is interested in my Englishman, please let me know! I'll be a bit slow, though, so I hope that's okay.

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Hey everybody!

Normally, we'd be doing an activity check tomorrow AM for the period between 11/15 and 11/30, but considering the holiday and IJ having a number of outage periods during this timeframe, we decided to apply a forgiveness rule for anybody who doesn't make check for this period.

Please note that this will not be an extended activity check and everyone will need to update their characters between 12/1 and 12/15.

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christmas drabbles~ [11/29/13]

Hey everybody!

I know I'm putting myself on hiatus, but it's that time of year for me again, where I _attempt_ to write Christmas drabbles as gifts so just CLICK HERE to place a request if you want one. <3


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Hey everyone, It's-a-Jan. Just dropping a note here to say that I have officially picked up a second job, which means I will most likely be around less once I'm properly trained and have less time to putz around at the office (which is how I've been tagging everyone all day. :x). It doesn't go into full swing until next week, but I just wanted to give everyone a heads-up now. I am working retail over Black Friday Weekend, but that doesn't start until Saturday, so if anyone wants to get some stuff down, tomorrow and Friday is the best time to squeeze it in.

I am going on hiatus officially from Saturday, but will tag things I've already started. Sorry for any inconvenience this might make.

Much love. <3

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IJ Downtime Tomorrow [11/19/13]

Hey guys!

I don't know if you're aware, but IJ is going down tomorrow, but it's to move things to the new servers. They expect it'll take less than 24 hours, but just to be safe, you might want to back up everything as a precaution. While it's not like I don't have any faith in IJ (lbr, I don't), but it's best to be safe than sorry.

You are now aware!! :]

♥ Chrissie

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Hey everyone, this is Chrissie, and I'm bringing in...

Darcy Lewis (a.k.a. The Best Intern Jane Foster Ever Had)

Her profile is here but she's pretty much how you see her in the first Thor film. She's dry humored, tech and pop culture savvy, and generally not doing much unless she has to, though she can be really helpful when she applies herself.

She's currently working as Jane's assistant in SHIELD and runs the Facebook page dedicated to Thor's abs. If she's met any Avengers or heroes, you bet your ass she's gotten a selfie with them. So, give me what you can and let's have some fun, yeah?

♥ Chrissie

P.S. Hit up the friend button and update everything, y'all!

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