July 26th, 2008

01:06 am
[info]stacia: 20th Anniversary Episodes

They have announced the episodes for the 20th Anniversary DVD:

#211 - First Spaceship on Venus
#706 - Laserblast
#904 - Werewolf
# 1004 - Future War

"She undercut the subtle nuance of my wiener jokes!"

EDIT: According to the liveblogging on Satellite News, the press release says the set will include "a Crow figurine and collector's cards".

10:34 pm
[info]stacia: Killer Shrews on TCM

TCM will be showing "The Killer Shrews" on Thursday the 31st, at 6:45 PM Eastern.

This is actually one of several great B-movies they're showing on the 31st, starting very early in the morning. Check your listings!